When I'm thinking about getting a big piece, I have like a 3 week process of warming my fiance up to it. Starts with a simple show of the ipad "hey, isn't this cool?" If she scoffs just at that, I tabled it for a while. If I get a "yeah, it's cool", then I'll wait a while and show her different photos again. If she goes "wow, that's awesome", I'll say I hope i can get it one day. Then for about two weeks I'll mention it in passing every once in a while, then eventually I'll say "I'm thinking about buying it, should I?" And usually she'll say "you've been talking about it for a while, you should probably get it". Success. That's what i did with Sauron PF and Galactus Maquette.
This azog would be next, but I know it's small enough and amazing enough that I don't have to. I can just grab one when I can and then hide it from her until the dust settles from my last few big purchases lol