The nose area look to be alright. The org hole area if you can get the glue off that really isn't a big deal because nobody will ever see it. It just depends on if it will bother you know it's there. I'd take the Weta dollars and be ready to use them on what should be a pretty awesome SDCC.
I'm having a hard time finding a good place to display Azog. He needs to be at or above eye level and I don't have the right shelf for him. Do you guys think he is too heavy to sit atop a detolf? I've had PFs on detolfs before, but those are 15-20 pounds. Azog is close to 50lbs and I'm worried that it's a bad accident waiting to happen.
It's close to wide enough. I've had Sauron PF on it for a while and that base hangs off the edge a smidgen, but nothing worrisome. My problem with a table is that they are too low. I really feel like this thing needs to be looked at from eye level or preferably have it a foot or so above eye level.
He's super heavy. I think he is the heaviest piece I've ever owned. We shall see if the new Balrog comes close but this thing will kill ya moving it around. As far as display you better have a solid thing to put it on. I think it would rip anything off the wall fairly easy.
He is really heavy but I still have mine on a shelf hanging from the wall. You just need to make sure you’re anchored into the studs. People hang Big Screen TV's that weigh more than this all the time. You just need to do it right.
The only thing I'm really worried about is an earthquake. There just as susceptible to breaking on the table as they are on the shelf if that happens. The shelf itself is attached with 12 bolts to three studs and isn't going anywhere. I love looking at him a little above eye level.
Looks great and as long as he's safe that's the main thing. I don't have to worry about earthquakes in Missouri. Tornadoes on the other hand are a totally different animal.
Thanks Josh,
Been through a bunch of earthquakes,they can actually be kind of fun. With the little ones you just look at the person next to you and ask if them with a chuckle if they felt it. Actually the North ridge quake of 94,93 is the only one that woke me up and was strong enough and lasted long enough to freak me out a little. If we have another one of those it will be the death of my collection....
Tornadoes on the other hand. Hell no.....I hope you have a basement to hide in. At least there you can tap your feet together and think,there's no place like home,there's no place like home as it hopefully just goes bye.
I imagine quakes can be scary like anything of that nature but it seems most if them happen and don't get noticed by west coast folks. I would also imagine the first few might freak me out a bit. Tornadoes can be really scary. One has never hit here but I've been to places where it has and see the damage, which is pretty mind blowing to be honest. We do have a basement thankfully so on occasions when we're told we have someplace to go. Ironically that is where all my stuff is at as well.