My muse is a fickle b**ch
Congrats, nice review!

Finally got my Azog!
Nothing prepared me for how big an imposing he is when you first take the tissue paper off the main body. Holy crap. Such an awesome piece and glad to finally have it. Only issue is finding the proper place to display him, which will take some rearranging and imagination.
Couple issues/questions. I know the majority of the weight leans on the tree stump, but mine isn't quite flush at any connection point and isn't totally solid in that if I apply some pressure, he wobbles just a little because the back legs of the Warg aren't flush against the base. Is this common with everyone's or do I need to keep reseating it until I get it right? Already have a few times with the same results.
Second issue is my right arm. The magnet is either too weak or is shaped wrong because the arm doesn't sit flush either. It sags and makes a very noticeable gap at the connection point, also angling the mace down a bit, which doesn't look as good. This is a totally unnacceptable issue to me but I am curious if this too is a common problem. I don't remember reading about it. I will be contacting bbts about it and hopefully they can get me a replacement arm from weta or at the least, refund me some of the $1000 I paid. This is a bogus flaw for a statue that retails for $700 and I paid $1000 for.
Now the most interesting part, my edition number is AP 34/40. Does that mean Artist Print? I was shocked to see the 34, but didn't notice the AP on the brown shipper until I saw it underneath the base and on the bottom of the art box read it was out of 40. So I suppose mine is more limited, but can't imagine it is different in any way. Anyone have info on "AP" editions from Weta?
Now I just can't wait until a Smaug reveal at SDCC!!
I'm surprised to hear that you're having any issues with it since AP's are supposedly more closely inspected than the rest of a run.