WETA forums problem

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Tersit if you are new to Who I would recommend to start with the reboot, i.e. new Who.
Jump right in with the Christopher Eccelston year and then go from there. This will give you a
good idea of the Whoniverse and how the current incarnation of the show works.
Then I would go back and delve into classic Who if you are so inclined.

I agree with this. The new series assumes you know nothing about the show and explains everything for new fans. It's a perfect starting point. It's known as series 1 on Netflix/dvd. The classic series can pretty much be watched at random, each episode is pretty self contained. The dvds of that are bit harder to collect. They released them by story, not season like the new series so there's something like 140 dvds to collect so it's quite an investment for a new fan.
Love that new smial! I'm glad they went for that one, more unique.
Shame the Green a Dragon isn't a bigger environment with the mill and bridge, but maybe that would've been just too big. Hopefully they'll now do a mill and bridge mini enviro to go with this. I'm loving this line! I'll be getting them all and creating my own little Hobbiton!
Glad they included the Green Dragon sign!
Tersit if you are new to Who I would recommend to start with the reboot, i.e. new Who. Jump right in with the Christopher Eccelston year and then go from there. This will give you a good idea of the Whoniverse and how the current incarnation of the show works. Then I would go back and delve into classic Who if you are so inclined.

:exactly: That's what I did!! Nu-who is deffo the best place to start. The classic eras will take a bit of time to get through though (they are more 'stand-alone' - in serial format), be warned though...there are lots & lots of DVDs to get & watch!! (I know I am trying to collect them all :lol)

Anyways...back to Middle Earth....

and The Green Dragon



FINALLY!! Love this :love, been waiting ages for this one!
I'm with old duffer, something is not right. It's all a bit wishy washy. No real sound bites from Weta about the flame, no newsletter for quite a while. Are they taking a step back? I am surprised we have not heard from them about this on FB or anything else. While the site is owner and run by CS I am sure there was a mutual agreement that this was the home of Weta and its fans hence all the input and consultation which is why Weta always stood apart from the rest as we felt like family.
It's true. The S&F was always that special place, with a wonderful spirit of friendliness and warm humour, hard to find anywhere else in the interwebs. Really, the spirit of Weta, where everybody who wants, is invited to be part of the big family. This makes the abrupt end of the forum and the ongoing silence about it all the more puzzling. It actually hurts.
I'm with old duffer, something is not right. It's all a bit wishy washy. No real sound bites from Weta about the flame, no newsletter for quite a while. Are they taking a step back? I am surprised we have not heard from them about this on FB or anything else. While the site is owner and run by CS I am sure there was a mutual agreement that this was the home of Weta and its fans hence all the input and consultation which is why Weta always stood apart from the rest as we felt like family.

I wondered this myself as there has not been a newsletter for some time, the sound of the silence is hard to ignore and the reasons for the website being down for so long is just not what I would expect from Weta. For a company that is so advanced in digital filming techniques and sheer artistic ability it does seem odd that a problem like this can't be fixed.

What is really going on behind the scenes?

(Green dragon looks fabulous, hazard a guess its the same size as Bag end and Beorns house, the trees below in the pic?)

Great to see the flamers appearing again! :hi5:
I kept being patient about S+F, knowing that people are busy and things take time, but it really has been too long!

I'm excited about the Green Dragon and the new smial, they are both sweet! I have been putting my Weta shopping off for a few months now, having had to deal with a bigger than expected tax bill (which is due this week), but I've got lots of work coming up which should allow me to get some good amount of money in the next few months and finally put some aside for some more Weta shopping, so I will have some serious decisions to make. I think I might start with Faramir first (although I still go back and forth about this and Bard...).
O.k. have a question about the old S&F forum/site. I was always under the impression that this was a fan site operated by the Charles Song and wasn't a company Weta sponsored site.
Am I incorrect in this?
Was wondering as it has been mentioned by Weta at a con that the site would not be back anytime soon and this would imply they own the site.
Just curious how they would know this.

Oh since the forum is kaput has anyone heard from Min or Pordey?

The Shadow and Flame is indeed a fan operated site. Charles Song started it and he is still the main man of the forum. A few years ago however, Weta adopted the Shadow and Flame as their official forum. They never interfered with the running of the site, they left that to Charles and the mods. But they did start a few threads of their own. And we created a special Grordbort corner on the forum for all the steampunk/raygun fans. And of course the Weta crew use the forum to interact with collectors, ask opinions and receive feedback. So in short, the forum is run by volunteers: Charles Song and the mods. But it is the official Weta forum and the Weta crew are very active when their schedules allow it.
Well, I have finally found a small oasis!!!

Hi everyone! So glad to find some of my S&F friends here. You have no idea (well, maybe you do) how badly I've been gutted by the Flame going down. :( I still check it several times a day.

I've missed you all terribly and here's to hoping that the old S&F will be up and running soon!

P.S. the new Hobbit Hole and GD, will be mine! :)
Why can't just somebody contact Pordey and ask what the heck is going on? I didn' know any of the S+F member personally because I was a newbie but given the amount of moots, trades and chat I am sure that some ppl got his contact data. He might gives us an ETA

almost forgot: Welcome Ithildin, Shi, Ballder, LondonNic and others who came here just now!
Second that. Charles Song needs to know that if he has trouble with the time and effort consuming repairs, or has lost interest in the forum, there are people who would gladly help him, or even take it entirely on their own.
Tersit if you are new to Who I would recommend to start with the reboot, i.e. new Who.
Jump right in with the Christopher Eccelston year and then go from there. This will give you a
good idea of the Whoniverse and how the current incarnation of the show works.
Then I would go back and delve into classic Who if you are so inclined.

I just ordered the Christopher Eccelston Dr. Who dvds. Can't wait to watch them.
Tersit you are going to love it! Or at least I hope you do. Myself I'm a big fan and eagerly await each new season and the Christmas specials.

Btw I saw it mentioned that there was a FB page for S&F, the only one I found hadn't been updated for years. Assuming there is another page that is private which would explain why it can't be searched for on FB. Those types of group pages you need an invite to join.

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