IMHO at least 14" tall
Right into $299 area
IMHO at least 14" tall
they then just said within the next few weeks he will be available to preorder and ships within 6 weeks.cant wait to add him next to azog
Sure I'll get this at some point. The only thing that deters my ordering this on release date is the very low Aussie dollar exchange rate against the US dollar.
If my smaug would ship before this (it won't) I'd have enough weta dollars to make bolg free. I don't want to risk it selling out before I get Smaug, which may not be until late June, so I'll have to settle for it being $150 off.
u really think it will sell out by june?
im in your same dilema, thing is after smaug/bolg I wont want another lotr statue, those 2 complete my line.