Super Freak
Is it normal that the full price seems to be the discount price now?
Is it normal that the full price seems to be the discount price now?
Any shipping updates? Since the first batch has been delayed, I imagine the second will be as well?
I'll be reordering after Smaug ships. Turns out my gold status lapsed and went back into effect after Thror, so no %15 for Balrog or Smaug. At least I'll get %15 on Balrog, but at full cost, possibly less if another price code comes out before I order.
Bad call, you'll end up paying more.
$599-$59.9 = $539.1
$649-$97.35 = $551.65
If some offer appears reordering makes sense
I understand.Smaug is the priority for me. I have an expensive round of car restoration coming up so I'm happy to wait.
From every purchase you get 10% back in Wetadollars. Once you spend $500 in the recent 12 months you upgrade to "Gold Collector" and start receiving 15 Wetadollars per $100 spent. Thats what he was referring to. Actual codes? No idea, in 2014 I have witnessed one single 15% code.How often do these 10-15% off codes go up?
God Status ain't bad either.Thanks bro. I was going to ask about the Gold membership.too but you answered that already lol. Does the item have to ship for me to become God status? Because I've only made one order ever and that was with the Balrog
Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Okay, gotta ask. Wtf is God Status lolGod Status ain't bad either.Yep they are added to your account as it ships. However the amount of Wetadollars you are going to receive is determined in the moment of actual purchasing. So if your status changes between purchase and shipping, your Wetadollar gain is not influenced.