Never gave this much consideration. It looks cool, but no more room for big statues and I have no problems with my mini-Rog.
I live in Canada and UPS brokerage fees on this are $140!!!! Plus another $125 for taxes and duties. I understand the taxes and duties, but the brokerage fees are simply criminal. I have requested to clear my own customs, but in the meantime, UPS has cleared customs, attempted delivery at my place, and since I told the driver that I am clearing customs, now is sending back to customs for me to clear. How does that make any sense??? If their "brokerage" fee is for clearing customs on my behalf, how come it can be waived when I want to do it myself after they've gone through all that to deliver it to me! It is such an inconvenience to have to drive to customs, especially when the guy was just here. I so wish WETA would switch to FedEx. Rant over!
got my balrog yesterday~
They won't send it back to custom, don't worry, the box goes at their ups place somewhere for few days, and when you'll send them via email the b12 papers, the truck will try again and will leave the box in front of your door. Be careful with that. And when you do this one time, they'll remember for next time and you'll have to complete this procedure over again.
How do you like the paint job on yours? Can you show more quick photo shot?
I'd be livid.
Extremely livid! Especially since it was such a hassle to clear my own customs, which incidentally brought my total fees from the $270 UPS wanted to charge me to the $85 the border agency charged. Makes me wonder if they didn't have a go at the box to get back at me. I have contacted Weta and assume they will send me a replacement?
You'll get another one for sure, I'll get one just for the poor paint job on mine.
That's what I'm counting on. Just sucks that I'll have to wait at least another month to get him. On a brighter note, I have been quite lucky with my statues, and can't remember the last time one arrived damaged or poorly painted.
I hope I won't have any problems with the replacement about duty, taxes and ups fee again. I think I still have to fill the b15 paper.
You shouldn't. Just show them proof that is a replacement and that should that. How much did you pay in taxes and duties, if you don't mind me asking?
That's what I'm counting on. Just sucks that I'll have to wait at least another month to get him. On a brighter note, I have been quite lucky with my statues, and can't remember the last time one arrived damaged or poorly painted.