I'd probably be all in on this one if it wasn't for the fact that I don't care for the sword. For the amount this thing's gonna cost I would have to be 100% in love with it in order to pull the trigger.
How much will be high? 17''? However great, will be a pre-order I will do for sure!
I think it will be 45 cm
Very Well. Width?
Does look a LOT better. But that sword just sort of ruins it for meFrom Michael Crawford.
I think I like him more from this angle.
Yeah man big time. Like really ruins it IMO tooThe fire sword hurts hit IMO. It takes away from a great looking Balrog.
I think you may have something there. We haven't seen many pics from other angles but still a bit of a turn offMaybe if they did the flames similar to what SS did for the Morgul Lord PF.
View attachment 123459
Though I'm not convinced people would love it that way either.
The entire sword would look like that and could just end up looking cheap.
The flames are not to far off from the original and people love that one.
Doesn't kill it for me but I'd definitely want to see more pics.
Do You guys think the release of this statue, will in any way affect the after-market prices of the Original 'Rog? I still prefer the original to it, and would love to own it, but the prices he goes down for these day, are quite insane.