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Re: WGP: A Game of Thrones for '12

I'd be interested in a Boromir...I mean Ned head.

(laugh). Say, I don't see it going as an accessory for these particular characters, but... do we need to make a variant severed Ned Head? :dunno (Maybe a severed George Bush?) :panic:
Re: WGP: A Game of Thrones for '12

Bumping this one up because I'd be extremely interested in heads, at the very least, if the outfit situation is still a no go. I'd be really interested in a Targaryen set - Viserys and Daenerys. But I'd take whatever's offered!
Re: WGP: A Game of Thrones for '12

FYI: Here's what Rick said about these figs in one of the other WGP threads ...

Every interest list needs 16 people interested for us to go ahead with them unless we decide the character is popular enough to go ahead and make without like we did with Michonne. It is definitely because WD is more popular. There is less risk for us. We know she will sell more once she is done.

I LOVE Deadwood but cant say I think they will sell much more than it's 16 once finished and we already have other interest lists that have hit 16 we need to make. I consider it a triumph to show loyalty so many people want the Deadwood heads without us making the costumes for them.

With Game of Thrones, we've said what the hold up was in the thread several times- it's our lack of tailors/seamstresses available (and the fact they are slow as dirt- true story). We had a lot of tailors/seamstresses when we started the thread up but by the time they hit 16 a year later we did not.

Our help changes all the time and we test a lot of new tailors out all the time but most flake out. And just like hobby models have levels of difficulty, so do sewing projects. There are the easy projects we give the newbies as tests then there are varying levels of difficulty afterwards. Game of Thones are pretty busy costumes so we'll need our best seamstress on them. Unfortunately our main seamstress capable of doing GOT, who is a HUGE fan of the show, has three hard WGP projects backed up before she can even start GOT (and only managed to complete two projects for us this year). So GOT is on hold until we get those others finished or our sewing staff changes, which can happen on a dime.

So if you see easier sewing projects go ahead like Zombie girl who's pajamas and bath robe are pretty easy to sew, you'll know why. ;)
Re: WGP: A Game of Thrones for '12

Interested in Daneris and Tyrion.

But it looks like this might be on hold for a while....................
Re: WGP: A Game of Thrones for '12

interested in jon snow, tyrion, danaeris for sure. and jaime lannister.
Re: WGP: A Game of Thrones for '12

thought i had signed up but i dont see my name so i would like to officially get on board for jon, ned, tyrion. possibly dani. definitely jaime lannister and the hound. and likely a ton more. cant get enough thrones. and would absolutely be down for the head+outfits. and extras like a dire wolf or dragon babies would be so cool.

edit: is this on hold? Tragedy!! hope this is misinformation.
Re: WGP: A Game of Thrones for '12

Still hope for these :d? Would like to put my name down for a Jon also
Re: WGP: A Game of Thrones for '12

id take them all, any chance of this happening?
Re: WGP: A Game of Thrones for '12

We really want to do GoT and were just talking about this again today.
We are still bogged down by lack of seamstresses but wanted to go ahead and announce we are going to kick off our deluxe GoT line with Daenerys, with our goal to have her out by years end! :)
Re: WGP: A Game of Thrones for '12

We really want to do GoT and were just talking about this again today.
We are still bogged down by lack of seamstresses but wanted to go ahead and announce we are going to kick off our deluxe GoT line with Daenerys, with our goal to have her out by years end! :)

Luckily not clothes needed for Deanerys. :yess:
Re: WGP: A Game of Thrones for '12

Nice. Don't forget the mini dragons :D
Re: WGP: A Game of Thrones for '12

AHHHH! No way. I'm so excited.

Sadly I think I'm the only person who liked Viserys, although I still say it would be awesome to have the set.