Freaked Out
Re: WGP's Doctor Who (Second revision S18 Tom Baker head pic)

Sheesh, this wait is almost worse than Christmas!

Sheesh, this wait is almost worse than Christmas!

Sheesh, this wait is almost worse than Christmas!
Here's a pic of the Brigadier head printed out from before that was fine but too big just so you cab see what it looks like printed. All Who stuff is being printed/reprinted now with all of our other outstanding stuff.
The Brig looks great.Any idea what kind of time frame we're looking at for all the Who stuff coming in?
How's the printing coming on Sarah Jane and the brig? Any estimate? They keep getting pushed back.
If I read that correctly then it'll be the end of the year before we get Sarah and the rest of DW? I didn't realize that we could prepay (not sure where I've been!) But I guess one prepay for such a small interest list that doesn't help much. Figures the printer would mess up like this when so much is coming down the pipe all once now! What is that- Murphy's law?
Thanks for the update!
Any idea when we'll get our hands on Tom's head mate?
The S18 head itself is in the box of printed goodies Sean is expecting from the printers with everything else I have mentioned.
It will be sold individual of the costume as well as part of a full figure.
The deluxe S18 full figure of Tom will come with extra accessories including the severed Gundan head idea I had been wanting to do and perhaps other accessories (besides the obligatory Sonic Screwdriver). Auntie Vanessa?!?
Maybe there ought to be a variant Meglos figuren as well? Maybe not...that sounds like a pain in the arse to cast! (laugh). We'll see!