Yup, it's been an amazing week for Trout fans everywhere! I never thought I'd ever get to actually see "Web of Fear" or "Enemy of the World".
Well, here's the deal with our Classic Troughton line- we've only sold one of the 1:6 Smiling Trout heads so far despite everyone who said in PMs they couldn't wait to get him and wanted him, and we've had him in stock for a few months now. As far as I am concerned he looks amazing and is the 1:6 Trout head of my fanboy dreams), so that pretty much killed hope of more 1:6 Trout era stuff being made by us like a stake in the heart because my studio co-founder Sean isn't the classic Who fan I am, and I have to make them sell.
If Smiling Trout doesn't sell, there is no point to redo Jamie and Zoe as V.2's as hoped, nor a Salamander, Tobias Vaughn, Victoria, etc.
All I can do is focus on the upcoming WGP Fourth Doctor deluxe figure releases that we are planning on releasing in tandem with Big Chiefs Fourth Doctor and hope they give the Classic Who line some life.
But now let me throw out an idea. That's me, trying to have us be able to offer them as a studio like a product. That way has failed. But we are a sculpting studio that can be hired to make anything and I BS with most of you regularly about Who through PMs.
As such, you guys wrote me your Who want lists. Harry Sullivan got mentioned now and again, but not enough for us to make him, only about four people. But I know most of you, so I asked those four people if if they might consider commissioning Harry if I got them together with the four other people interested in a Harry (because I want him too). And guess what? WGP is now making a Harry Sullivan head in 2014 because you guys hired us. And it doesn't matter if he sells just those four. He was commissioned. And, I want to make this clear, we were commissioned to make him in BOTH 1:6 and 5" scale.

This will make my 5" collection very happy!
So pretty much the only way to get a Salamander, 1:6, 8" or 5" is if someone, or a few people, got together to commission us to alter our normal 1:6 Troughton sculpt into Salamander, which really isn't that expensive since he is already sculpted and we are just twerking...errr..tweaking it.
Now let me ask a question. Who just flat out freaking needs a Yeti figure at this point, (any scale), and would want to hire us privately to make it alone or with other people if I could organize it? Or a Susan head? Or a that updated Zoe or Jamie head? Or a Quark? Celestial Toymaker head? Nyder? Bessie?
Commissioning stuff shouldn't be talked about on the forums, but
our E-mail for commissions is warriorsgate1ATyahoo.com (replace "AT" with "@") and tell me what you want so bad for Doctor Who you would be willing to commission or join a group commission to get made because you just know it will never get made otherwise and your 1:6, 5" and 8" collection just needs it. I HATE holes in my collection. I need companions or my Trout gets lonely. (thats not a Euphemism. Shut up). Drop me a list. Not that you guys like writing lists.
Lastly, I have been thinking about looking into possibly making rotocast 1:6 Tom era monsters in 2014 if the WGP Fourth Doctor stuff does well. I am looking into the feasibility and potential cost of it now, but the idea being that would be the way for WGP to make a 1:6 Zygon figure, as a hollow statue with just arm articulation.
That would be a cheaper way to make a 1:6 quark, mandrel etc as opposed to solid resin which would be expensive as heck.