Super Freak
Re: WGP's Classic Star Trek (being cast now)
that photoshop looks spot on. have there not been any Spock wip pics yet?
that photoshop looks spot on. have there not been any Spock wip pics yet?
I dunno...the image where you just widened the Kirk sculpt looks pretty close to the Kirk in the still here, at least to me...
You seem to be awfully critical of this sculpt for some reason, yet to me it seems leaps and bounds better then anything that has been produced to date.
I actually wonder if something happened in the printing process as this seems to be more in line with what Spenser is talking about:
Hey,hey, let's be civil! WGP is already planning to resize/modify their existing model and reprint it to nudge the Kirk likeness up from the 95% to the 100% mark. I think it's absolutely fair game for Spenser to point out areas that could be improved, especially when it seems like it's basically just a matter of widening an existing sculpt or cheating down the hairline a mm or two. It's not like he said, "The sculpt sucks, throw it out the window and start over!", and since Rick seems open to the feedback on minor adjustments to make before reprinting the final product for us, Spenser's comments are appropriate. You're right, csi, that the WGP sculpts are beautiful, and I am really thankful that WGP have taken on this project to produce something I've always wanted. I'm sure others feel the same way and are very passionate about the project. That doesn't mean you have to go on the offensive, though, because someone is offering up some constructive criticism at a point in time where it could actually be used to make a better final product. Let's not get into that mode that you see on so many of the HT and SSC threads where people go at each other just because they have differing opinions.![]()
I love your feedback, gang. And I love the thoughtful, considerate conversation. We will reprint the Kirk and Sulu heads then. We will make the alterations to Kirk and Sulu as well.
Now we need to discuss how large up you want us to make them. If we goosed them up just that 5-7% to make them Rhodey scale and hit that, Rand and Scotty wouldn't need to be reprinted then.
If you guys want larger than that, well then they will all need to be reprinted. For you gents who bought them already, we wouldn't be looking to make more money off of you so would charge a very low rate on the characters you already bought just to get this realized. Maybe just $15 a head plus shipping?
I need to go and add the newest head wants on the list. I will try and get to that today.
By votes Nurse Chappel is the next new classic Trek character we would be making. As Rand is being made, Chappels outfit is also being patterned.
Just for WGP future planning, and because I have no preference, what
hairstyle were you guys wanting for her? Was there a majority or do we want her bald for a wig?
sorry if I seemed critical, but I find his criticism of the sculpt completely ironic.
If it is true that WST is reprinting the heads, what does that mean to those of us who have already purchased the original ones? Will we get a replacement, or have to buy them all over again.
That smiling Kirk sculpt just gives me chills, it looks so good!
Reading up on the subject is always a good idea before starting debates.![]()
Wow, I’m very disappointed in you that you think I’m that petty and arrogant… I’ve already stated in this tread that this Kirk head is one of the best out there, with a few tweaks it could be THE best to come along for some time, I’ve never once compared it to mine, nor do I think my sculpts are the end all. In fact I never liked my Kirk sculpt. So what prey tell what is “ironic” about my wanting to help?
And in case you haven’t noticed there are lots of guys who produce the same heads around here, and guys are going to buy the ones they like, If I can help out I’ll do so and have done. I’ve often pointed guys to other sculpts if I think is a better head over one that I’ve done. But I guess this is where the world is headed, everyone has an ulterior motive, right?
I was just trying to help, If WST wants me to stop or remove my posts all he has to do is ask, but he seemed pretty receptive to my suggestions.
Maybe you would feel better about WST sculpt if you compared it to this:
relax cowboy, I never said you had any ulterior motives or were petty or arrogant. You jumped on the sculpt with your "constructive criticism" right off after it was released. I'm sure you were just being 'direct' but it seemed to me as overly critical. And I found it ironic you thought it was a better use of your time to help fix his rather then yours. At any rate I am glad your criticism is leading to an improved sculpt.
And FYI I am sculpting another Kirk head currently but sculpting is a challenge to me, I sculpt a subject until I’m happy with it, I sculpt for myself, if someone else want one so be it. Also, I can’t just “fix” mine in a computer and print another like WST can, it’s a lot more work to sculpt in clay.
Well, after speaking with Sean, I decided not to get run off by what appears now to be a self appointed WGP defender.
I may have presented my point with the problems I saw with the sculpts harsher than I should have, but Spenser's critique couldn't have been more professional.
We all want good sculpts and, to that end, I think everyone's critiques should be considered objectively by WGP.
I do find it humorous that WGP's staunchest defender [or so he would have us think?] is now looking for a replacement as well.