What about Bill?

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Captain Faramir

Super Freak
May 12, 2006
Reaction score
Ered Luin (Utah)
Knowing that we all want to complete the Fellowship, and that there are many accesories which we are missing, I was pondering over how Sideshow could market an accessory pack and still make it more than just a box of clothing. I know when I was a kid few things were worse than opening a birthday present and finding a pair of socks, and I think that mentality stops many people from buying these packs. I was also wondering how it is that Jabba has almost as many pets now as we have figures, and thought it unfair that Jabba should have more dynamic figures than I do. Then it hit me: something needs to bridge these worlds; something needs to combine the accessories we need with a dynamic item that would add to the Fellowship without being just a bag of cloaks.

We need Bill the pony!!!

Now, I'm not saying he has to be super articulated with real horse hair and electronic walking action, but looking at the environments Sideshow has done, why not do one with Bill? It's not like Shadowfax or Brego that would have to be articulated to make it worth the money, but a finely crafted figure with minimal movement would be just fantastic. Give him real leather bags, a bunch of items and accessories, and pack in the cloaks and items we need (ex. Boromir's black cloak, extra vambrances, etc.). It's an environment/item pack/creature/Fellowship member all rolled into one! I'm just throwing out ideas, but if the thought was looked into and planned out it could be a great thing. They did Jabba, so why not Bill?

Let us not overlook this oft-forgotten member of the Fellowship, especially one who was so beloved by Sam. We need the WHOLE Fellowship--from the mightiest wizard to the humblest pony.
Which Bill? Emaciated Bree Bill or strong mountain Bill? :D I seriously doubt SS will make the horses... But then again, why not?
Good idea! I can't see why a "Creature Pack" with Bill couldn't be done! I Love Bill! He's my favorite member of the Fellowship. :rock

...additional creatures in the pack could be Crebain from Dunland, Midges from Midgewater Marsh. :wacky
This may be the best idea I've read concerning the accessory packs/environments for the LOTR line. This is a great idea. If Bill had as little articulation as Jabba and still looked as nice, I'd be all for it. Throw in the goodies that you've discussed, and with some functionality to his knapsacks and such, I'd think this would be a home run.

In the first year of the Star Wars license Sideshow made Jabba the Hutt, so nothing would be too surprising. Okay, maybe a scale Mumak might be asking too much, but I wouldn't be surprised if we saw horses in this line!
I like it too... I was always a bit sad that Bill didn't have much of a place in the movies.
Hmmm... Not sure about Bill. What would make this pony different from all the other ponies out there? His saddle and the baggage he carries, like on the Weta version perhaps? I don't know if that is enough to make me want it.
That's why he should include the functional packs and bags which could contain LOTR-specific items, be they simple like food stuffs and blankets or more intricate things for them to use. Even more so, he could come with the particular items we still need, like Boromir's cloak or other things. Also, I would just like to see Bill made in a format designed specifically to interact with the 1/6 line, and not just a one piece statue. The primary difference would be the functionality of his accessories and opportunity to have the variety of a creature/environment in the LOTR line. Not to mention our missing items, and a place to store accessories we aren't using (gotta put those extra hands somewhere LOL). :rotfl
Bill the Pony would be a quick aquisition for me as well. For a "complete" pre-Mines of Moria Fellowship display, it's a must-have!

I can definitely see SS releasing "horses" in this line as well. I'm sure I've mentioned it before several times, but their other lines would benefit from the horses as well: WWI, Civil War, Western, etc...
Captain Aldeggon said:
That's why he should include the functional packs and bags which could contain LOTR-specific items, be they simple like food stuffs and blankets or more intricate things for them to use. Even more so, he could come with the particular items we still need, like Boromir's cloak or other things. Also, I would just like to see Bill made in a format designed specifically to interact with the 1/6 line, and not just a one piece statue. The primary difference would be the functionality of his accessories and opportunity to have the variety of a creature/environment in the LOTR line. Not to mention our missing items, and a place to store accessories we aren't using (gotta put those extra hands somewhere LOL). :rotfl
Are you thinking of an environment? Like the idea very much! I remember that Bill had a lot more "screen time" in the book. You know: the hassle with his previous owner (can't think of the name), and the way Bill came to Sam and Frodo.
I like the idea of an LotR environment, many possibilities. With or without Bill!
Many will not like the idea, but seeing the SW Salacious creature pack, I wonder if GOLUM could not be made in the same manner Salacious is made? O.K., there would be very limited articulation, but at least the figure would truly look like Golum...
Just chiming in again reaffirm that this is a cool idea for Bill the Pony! I think that the line wouldn't really be complete without him, and I'll keep hoping for a festivus miracle that Sideshow makes Bill

Alice, your idea about Gollum is pretty interesting. I never thought that Gollum was represented well in the SSW line apart from the 3/4 scale bust. I thought the exclusive smaller bust and the two statues that accompanied the DVD releases weren't quite hitting the nail on the head. IF sideshow can nail the sculpt and work in some limited articulation, similar to Salacious, I'd be all for it. Something in between the hyper-sculpting of McFarlane toys and the hyper-articulation of Marvel Legends would be the best IMO.
I'd love a Bill the Pony.

The WETA Sam and Bill the pony is close to, if not, my favourite in that line.

I always loved the part in the book when Sam returns to the Shire and finds Bill waiting for him at the Prancing Pony.
Alice Adrenochrome said:
I wonder if GOLUM could not be made in the same manner Salacious is made? O.K., there would be very limited articulation, but at least the figure would truly look like Golum...

Not to get off topic, but I think anything less that a fully articulated Gollum would be terrible. He is such a squirmy little guy that if he were just a one position figure it'd be a shame.
Looking at Legolas and Aragorn and thinking about the eventual completion, I want to reiterate how important Bill will be to a complete display. If you remember the famous image of the Fellowship marching along, who walks just between Sam and Aragorn? That's right--Bill. Man, once the Fellowship is complete, it'll make for one of the most impressive displays money can buy.