Super Freak
Harvey Dent was cheap...for a while.
Neytiri was people's first choice. She would have possibly sold better and then they could make Jake. Alas.....
What was so bad about The Crow body?
LMAO @ Harvey Dent being a flop. Sure some people may have gotten good deals on aging stock but try to pick one up on eBay today and you better have at least $500 to spend.
Many figures that are considered flops are only that because the secondary "supporting" figure to the line was never produced! There should be another thread called Hot Toys "have ass" produced figures. With that list we can place Bruce Banner, Ichobod Crane, Commando, to somewhat of a lighter degree BD T1 Terminator.
I wouldn't mind seeing such a thread. I presume you mean ''half-assed'' thoughBD T1 Terminator would go on that list for me. Compared to DX13 it's an inferior release.
edit - also, since when can we say ''ass'' without censorship on here? I like this.
Many figures that are considered flops are only that because the secondary "supporting" figure to the line was never produced! There should be another thread called Hot Toys "half ass" produced figures...
I would've gotten a Neytiri figure.
Agreed wholeheartedly.
It's a travesty to not complete an obvious set, such as the "Platoon" figures. I'm willing to bet that if Elias had been released, that set of 3 figures would have sold out immediately and be grails today.
LMAO @ Harvey Dent being a flop. Sure some people may have gotten good deals on aging stock but try to pick one up on eBay today and you better have at least $500 to spend.
Yeah, I'm still pretty miffed about HT not giving us Elias. I still got the two figs they released, an Elias in the middle would of looked sweet. I thought they did a great job on Taylor & Barnes to. Oh well.![]()
Yeah I got the Crow fig and I really like it.
I see the Iron Man stuff sells really well, as we keep getting Iron Man figures announced all the time.![]()
He was the lead. Kind of hard not to start with that.
This one might go the route of Harvey D when the avatar sequels come out and HT won't make any more figures.