Super Freak

This was amazing!
Only the greatest film ever made, Seven Samurai (七人の侍, Shichinin no samurai)
It's on TCM right now as part of their 31 Days Of Oscar.
Great movie!!!
Anyone bought the Director's Cut of it? Is it worth the purchase?
I bought the HD-DVD, the only choice when buying HD-DVD was the director's cut, the day it came out. I love the stuff David Prior puts together for all of David Fincher's films on DVD so it was a given for me. This coming from someone who has The Game Criterion Collection laserdisc!
Speshul Features!
The screen-specific commentary tracks are great. Author Elmore Leonard ("Look, more good-looking guys with more hair than me.") guests on the track with screenwriter James Vanderbilt and Producer Brad Fisher. Also on the track, but recorded separately, are Jake Gyllenhaal and Tony Startk hisself, Robert Downey, Jr. who are great to listen to. Of course director Fincher has his own track.
Luckily their isn't alot of overlap of information between Fincher's commentary, or either commentary for that matter, and the behind the scenes stuff. You only see Fincher in behind the scenes footage whilst shooting. Otherwise it's just about every other important crew member or writer or producer involved in the film being interviewed. Of this behind the scenes footage, one in particular comes to mind; single shot of Gllyenhaal tossing the book he was drawing in down on the passenger seat of his car took 30 some takes until Fincher was satisfied with the shot, Fincher, as you may know, being notorious for many takes.
"This Is The Zodiac Speaking", a feature-length documentary covering the Zodiac investigation as well a featurette titled "His Name Was Arthur Leigh Allen" which delves in to the prime suspect of the Zodiac Case
I can't comment on the SD DVD video or audio but I'm sure it's more than adequate. I think the HD-DVD looks and sounds great.
If you liked Zodiac, I recommend picking up the Director's Cut of Zodiac.
I loved the performances by all in this film. Chloe Sevigny was actually kind of cute. I usually can't stand her. Oh yeah, Mark Ruffalo is the man! (I wanted to write that he's the "something that rhymes with ship! but of course I can't).
Thank man, sounds goodWill pick it up later when it's a bit cheaper. What about the Director's Cut part of it. How much longer is it? I thought it was a really great movie with alot of great performances, especially Ruffalo
Dude sure like those animal crackers
Watched We Own The Night last night (boy was the advertising and trailers misleading when it came to this one--- marketed very poorly)...Anyway it was good. The missus is watching Across The Universe right now and I've got American Gangster or maybe No Country For Old Menbut I want to be in the right mood for that one so that I know I'll truly savour it (as I was when I watched There Will Be Blood--the best movie I've seen this year... but of course I still haven't watched the Coen Bros' one so my opinion might change soon
The director's cut contains approximately 5-minutes of new footage including:
-Melvin Belli (Brian Cox) talks about his Safari trip (when the Zodiac letter came to his house)
-Toschi (Mark Ruffalo) introduces himself to the Riverside Police Chief
-New scene between Graysmith (Jake Gyllenhaal) and Avery (Robert Downey Jr.)
-3-Way Conversation laying Leigh as suspect to get search warrant
-Extended audio montage (over a black screen)
-Plus extra bits of dialogue
-The end credits of the Director's Cut has a more detailed final cast listing. It properly credits many of the actors who were inexplicably left uncredited in the theatrical cut. However, Ione Skye's cameo as Kathleen Johns remains uncredited even in the Director's Cut.
Personally I prefer the Director's Cut.