What did you get from Santa?

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Here ya go, Ween! :D

The shoes come with red & black laces


There's a groovy Starfleet emblem on the laces! :rock

Starfleet emblem embroidered on the top :D


The sneakers come in yellow, red & blue. :chew​

DORK SHOES!!! hehe

But if it makes you happy, all the power to you bro! :rock
I got a bunch of DVD's:The Hangover,UP,District 9,The Goods,Night at the Museum 1&2,the Transformers complete box set,2 Tonner Lara Croft dolls,6 pair of jeans,a metallica t-shirt and a Boston Bruin jersey from my twin brother,he also is paying for my Blade and Firefly figures :D.He wrapped the small action figures of Blade and Firefly and told me what he was doing.
- Chewbacca Mr. Potato Head
- Lego Indiana Jones 2 for PS3
- New Super Mario Bros. for Wii
- Darth Vader Xmas Bobblehead
- Shootin' the ????? with Kevin Smith book
- Digital Camera (joint gift)
- Clothes
- $$$
What?! :confused:

I don't get that, but okay.

Thing is his is for real. lol

He's a virgin.

*hides from Snoops*

Isn't there a pic floating around of you wearing a very pink item of clothing? :lol

His shoes are cool. Wish I could wear them. :(
Isn't there a pic floating around of you wearing a very pink item of clothing? :lol

His shoes are cool. Wish I could wear them. :(

So you're the Trekkie virgin! :eek

What pink top??? I don't have a pink top on here and as a result no picture of one. You confuse me woman. :confused:

Back to the kitchen where you belong!
Since one of my jobs is being a baker, you really can't insult me in that way. :lol

Hmmmmm.....I seem to remember a mention of you in pink. I'll have to do some asking around. :D
So you're the Trekkie virgin! :eek

What pink top??? I don't have a pink top on here and as a result no picture of one. You confuse me woman. :confused:

Back to the kitchen where you belong!

Trekkie virgin????

Now who's being confusing?

Ask The Mike. He knows I'm not a trekkie! :monkey4

As for the virgin....ummmm....if you say so.
The nicest thing I got was an original Star wars movie poster in probably 9+/10 condition. Other than that I got COD for the PC, some shirts, season passes to hershey park (amusement park.)

My birthday was on Christmas as well and the wife is getting the family 4 tix to see the penguins play before the igloo closes its doors. I'll be thinking of you Eli :monkey3

Another great Christmas for the household the best is always watching the kids go absolutely crazy opening their stuff.
boba should be the bigger one, without him Jango wouldn't be around now. I wanna get that but only saw the anakin and grevious ones back a few months ago.
Lots of satisfaction watching my kids open their presents. :love

I got a bunch of goodies for my wife, and treated myself to a Blackbeard PF. :banana
Well, got $200 bucks in gift cash and a $25 GC to eBay. That was enough to pay for the DX Joker I got last Monday and for me to buy a 12" Cobra Officer from eBay, which I won for only $63. :rock

I also happened to go into a Christmas store yesterday with my wife and son. They had some shelving they were getting rid of including 3 Detolfs. They sold them to me for $15 ea. My brother took one and I took two.... Nice paying only 25% retail as well as not having to put the damn things together.