Did I read that correctly? Is the Captain at a loss for words?!?
Did I read that correctly? Is the Captain at a loss for words?!?
Maybe not the act itself, but the way in which it was delivered could be, as in martial art.Though punching someone in the face to express your feelings shouldn't be considered art.
Did I read that correctly? Is the Captain at a loss for words?!?
Creecher, just read your post and signed the petition and hope that monster will be stopped.
Incroyable that none of those visitors on the photos liberated the dog.
I wish also all the worst to that wannabe rotten "artist" who will probably claim all our upset emotions as his masterpiece/intention - how low and how cheap a human being can be.
My day is ruined.
Oh no. This is what my entire life has been devoted to, defining art. But for once I'm not gonna post my immediate impressions. I'll give my thoughts in a bit, but suffice it to say that no, not everything is art. There are those, especially in modern art, who think you can throw yellow paint on an old ironing board and call it art. That's just not true. However, since I've just written a million pages on the Hobbits, I'm gonna wait till tomorrow before I take the time to articulate it.
My day is ruined.
I actually proposed that idea to my friend, that art is being able to create beautiful things (or something similar to that).
He told me that his crumpled napkin could be beautiful and to him it was, even if nobody else thinks so.
I disagreed, of course.
So selectivity is key, and representation of somethinig real is key. Blotches of paint on a canvas is not art. It's just blotches of paint on a canvas.
So if I have a 'feeling' in my lower abdomen, and I fart, I'm an artist? Because my feeling has been expressed.
What if I did it to make you think? Now I'm even more of an artist.
This is the best definition of art I've found: art is a recreation of reality according to an artist's metaphysical value judgements.
'Metaphysical value judgments' just means those convictions which a person holds that determine what aspects of reality they consider to be most important. Usually, those convictions are sub-conscious, and an artist is not aware that that is what is guiding their creative process. When reality is recreated according to these judgements, it means that the non-essential elements of the subject are omitted so as to empasize the elements the artist wants the observer to pay attention to.
So selectivity is key, and representation of somethinig real is key. Blotches of paint on a canvas is not art. It's just blotches of paint on a canvas. That's as much art as "hufdaguivbdi wrhiof8a[9 r8yr[08g" is writing. Lots of things are expressions of emotion, and lots of things cause emotional reactions, but not all of those things are art.
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