there's no requirement for art to be beautiful. The things you mention become art when man is inspired by it to do something creative, that something is the art. Art only requires an expression by the artist, the viewer isn't always important.
Of course beauty is not a requirement. But again beauty and skill are subjective. According to your 'plan' definition, if there were powers at large, such things would be god's art or nature's art or what have you, if one were to believe in such intelligent design.
And I don't believe it necessarily accurate to say that a monkey has no skill or ability to plan. Is there creative expression? I don't think anyone can determine such things definitively.
We can certainly agree to disagree on this point, but I still think randomness, having no plan, chance can and has produced great pieces and moments of art.
How much skill determines the value of the art.
By this logic a professional classical orchestra, or Esteban if you want to keep a guitar only comparison, has more value than a Daniel Johnston type musician who sings off key and clumsily plays his instrument. Have the two play the exact same song, one flawlessly and the other awkwardly and it's still a matter of taste which has more "value". I just don't believe you can quantify and categorize something as fluid and subjective as art that way for all people through all times and attempting to do so is a fool's errand. If you're talking monetary value, that again is fluid and subjective, as witnessed by the varying opinions here on this board about certain figures.
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