it's cool, but man, the paint job sucked, very disappointing, which is why I sold mine. Customs are not a fair comparison. I think that Faun was like 3k or something.
Grand Moff Tarkin by Jordu Schell - wish I own this:
Now that is impressive. Should be in a museum or something, where you have to pay to look at it. I am not joking, nothing funny about this masterpiece.
BobbyC's Joker is tough to beat.
I also just stumbled onto Andy Wright's version of Lurtz...amazing
Jordu's Tarkin is crazy good....for $10,000
BobbyC's Joker is tough to beat.
Agreed. I have just got Bobby c joker and its is jaw dropping.
Bobby C's Silicone Joker was for sale at the past CHILLER THEATRE in Parsippany, NJ. It was the first time i saw it in person. The piece is incredible, worthy of it's praise.
gasp thats not far away at all as uk…how much were they asking??
what do u guys think of the new reaper bust from elite??