What is your all time favorite Horror movie?

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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1974.
ANOES part 1.
Dawn of The Dead 1978.

TCM 74' scared me the most when I first saw it as a 10 year old kid. I was fascinated with the old VHS cover of Leatherface running with his chainsaw.:D
Favorite Horror... any of the early monster flicks.

However, JC's The Thing scared the crap outta me when i was a kid. So did Amityville Horror...
So many to choose from...as Shai said, the 80s horror was best.

My favorite would probably have to be:


Same here, didn't scare, but just love everything about it.

But there is one movie which I remember seeing as a kid that scared the crap out of me and the images from it are still very vivid... the only thing that sucks is I never could find out movie it was...

There was a part where the father-guy was out doing yard work and he has this hallucination of a hearse with a driver going by and driver just gives him this creepy smile... other parts were it the house started attacking them and the guys wife got grey hair and white eyes... man that movie scared the crap out of me.

Anyone know what movie that is? :confused:
Texas Chainsaw Massacre really sticks out in my mind.

But of course the Exorcist, Hellraiser and Shining are all tops.
That was the '70's dude. 1978 to be exact.

Ya, know when Halloween was released, I was just commenting that I agree with Shai that the 80s were easily the best overall when it comes to horror.
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Its been a while since I have seen it so I don't know if it still holds up but I always kind of liked Motel Hell.

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I've been watching horror film since about age 10. The first one I ever watched was "The Nightmare on Elm Street". Of the 100s of horror films I've seen only one has scared me (the rest were just fun, entertaiment or beyond lame). If I had to pick a favorite it would be....


The scariest one I've ever seen was...

The Blair Witch Project

I know, I know people give this movie C**rap all the time because of shakey cam, or the premise, or that it was based on a previous film, or the hype that surrounded it and on and on. But what made this film scare the C**rap out of me was that you never saw the villian, ever (which is rare in horror films). That in itself made it scary to me because I think many of us fear what we don't see.