What is your greatest film ending scene?(it could involve end credits or not)

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I much prefer the ending of The Godfather to The Godfather Part II and the finale of For A Few Dollars More to that of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

A few of my own favourites:

Don't Look Now: from the moment Donald Sutherland (and the audience) realise that the little red raincoat sporting figure that has been running about Venice definitely isn't his dead daughter, the close up of that nasty looking razor, a straight shot to the neck, multiple flashbacks, that haunting theme beginning to play and then the reprisal of the scene he 'saw' earlier with his wife on a boat and the realisation it was a premonition of his own funeral.

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest: "I'm not going without you, Mac. I wouldn't leave you this way. You're coming with me."

And...err....the end credits of 22 Jump Street that keeps pumping out 'sequel' after 'sequel'.
A couple come to mind:

“Fools. Bureaucratic fools. They don’t know what they’ve got. I know what I’ve got right here.” Raiders

“Why she wouldn’t even harm a fly.” Psycho
Planet of the Apes (1968)

Completely agree. When you see the Statue of Liberty sitting there, half missing, wow! But also in my list would have to be The Shining, Cuckoos Nest, and The Good The Bad and The Ugly.
Completely agree. When you see the Statue of Liberty sitting there, half missing, wow! But also in my list would have to be The Shining, Cuckoos Nest, and The Good The Bad and The Ugly.

Yes, Planet of the Apes (1968) gets my vote. Still love the ending after many viewings. Damn you all to hell!

Honorable mention. Sixth Sense.
No one said: Smile you sonavabit-- KA-BOOM!

Non-conventional endings:

Planet of the Apes is just that classic "Twilight Zone" twist ending. Tough to beat.

Six Sense surprised me.

Usual Suspects was just cool.

John Carpenter's The Thing (that's actually the coolest final scene ever)

THIS! Just a brilliant, spine-tingling ending (that isn't an ending).
Many have already been brought up but I'll say the ending of the brilliant French film Les Diaboliques completely had my jaw drop in shock.

I would argue it's just as good if not better than even Psycho, also bearing in mind it was made about about five years before Psycho as well. You need to see for yourself without knowing anything going in to appreciate how much of a mind **** it really was.
A Serious Man is the one that comes to mind as my favorite ending. The Road Warrior with the Chief talking about Max as the camera pans away is amazing, also really like the ending to Empire Strikes Back.
Robocop - it's an under-appreciated film.

"Nice shootin' son. What's your name?"

[Head Turn.]

"Murphy." [Smirk]




"Now I'm finished" - There will be Blood

Shootout from Once Upon a time in the West (not true final scene but Masterful-Charles Bronson vs Henry Fonda set to what I consider Sergio Leone's best score)

Rocky (original)

Angel Heart - terrifying

burial scene - Glory

To name a few
Night of the Living Dead (1968)

Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1978)

Escape from New York
I have always love the last scene and credits of silence of the lambs. i love the music over the credits too
Not a movie, but I remember reading a book (I think it was The Planet of the Apes, but I could be wrong - was from that series anyway) and talk about twist at the end, it was the perfect twist that turned everything on its head - it would have been brilliant if they had found a way to translate that into the film.

If I were to take a guess, I think you're thinking of the original ending to Boulle's 'Monkey Planet' where the astronaut manages to get home, but when he does, the entire population of earth are apes ( the original novel takes place on a different planet, Soror.). It's the ending that Burton used for his disaster of a movie. (Only redeemed by Rick Bakers make up IMHO)
The Wizard of Oz, because all Dorothy had to do was click her heels to go home. But instead Glinda the Good Witch manipulated Dorothy throughout the entire movie until eventually committing murder for her, by killing her rival The Wicked Witch of the West.