Super Freak
Just really curious to see if any collectors out there have any extremely rare pieces (movie props/statues/comics/etc...) in their collection that they would consider as being extremely valuable and sought after in todays market. Or do you own a piece in your collection that has an extremely low limited edition size of how ever many made worldwide? For example, one of my rarest pieces would have to be the Gold Plated Darth Vader FX Lightsaber by Master Replica which only 50 were made worldwide. What makes this saber even rarer is that these 50 that were made were never released for public sale and instead were sent out as a gift to head chiefs at large toy companies/retailers that had helped Master replica achieve their selling targets of over one million lightsabers, hence it comes in an exclusive commemorative box with a signed letter and plaque. In my lifetime i have only ever seen 2 in person, the first time i had to miss out due to the price (this was infact later sold to a russian businessman) the second time, after doing my best to get put through to the right contacts, i managed to find another which was completely sealed and brand new in its shipping box. This time i wasnt about to let it slip through my hands and so i decided to purchase it (co-incidently mine belonged to a head chief at Toys R Us). Over the past few years i have seen this go for over $1500 on eBay and other various online auction sites, however i have actually been offered over $5000 for my Vader Lightsaber but have decided for the time being at least not to sell. If you have an extremely rare collectors item it would be great to hear about and the story behind how you got your hands on it.
As mentioned earlier, this item can be a statue, comic, movie prop, etc... although as an avid collector of statues (mainly Sideshow and Enterbay) it would be very interesting to hear on this forum what you guys believe to be the rarest/most valuable statue out there....as a guess i would assume anything from the Dr. Doom, Grey Hulk PF, Optimus Prime Maquette?????
If someone offered me 5 G I would sell. That is a crazy profit margin, and to think what you can use with that money.