What movie moments made you so emotional you felt the need to shed a tear? *SPOILERS*

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^ Doppleganger.

I still have to watch that. Finished the series, and Fire Walk With Me is ****ing impossible to find around here.....is it worth it?
As I recall, it's not as good as the show, but it is worth watching if you are a fan. You could probably find a VHS tape cheap on eBay. I haven't watched it in a few years truthfully.
Re: What movie moments made you so emotional you felt the need to shed a tear?

That whole film is a rough watch...the descent ifor all of them is hard to bear but yeah that ending is pretty full on.

I love that film but it does nothing to make you ever want to watch it again.

True. Have recommended RFAD to a lot of people but never wanted to watch it again myself. Too much to bear.
When Mickey dies in Rocky III and Rocky really breaks down - right through to the moment Rocky drives his motorcycle up to his statue at the top of the stairs and whips his helmet at it with a shout of anger/rage/regret/sorrow.
The Mist - the ending is just too heart-wrenching to watch more than once. For those who have not seen it I won't spoil that one.
I preferred the open ended conclusion of the novella over Darabont's ending. It felt a bit too heavy handed in my opinion.
That's why I liked it. It was so blunt and nasty. It just made me laugh. Not usually a huge fan of those endings, but I felt it worked with what the movie was saying. Humans do stupid **** when they're scared.
for me as a long life starwars fan it was seeing Rotj special edition one last time at the movies...i thought that was it.never did i imagine we would get a prequel trilogy and now a sequel trilogy.
Similiar at the end of ROTS..i thought that was it for Star Wars...

Having said that..my purely emotional state from the following movies always got me crying,even on multiple views at the cinema..
When the Fellowship make it out of Moria after GtG "death"..we see Frodo alone outside and he turns to the camera,tears rolling down his face.
In Return of the King:Sam and Frodo on the ledge outside of Mt Doom..thinking they would die there...
Also the scene where the Fellowship are at the Black Gates and Aragorn turns to them before the charge and says "for Frodo"
Also the scene later at Rivendell where Frodo lays in bed and 1 by 1 his friends come in then finally Sam.
and lastly from RotK,the Grey Havens...it gets me everytime!
I swear to god the music from those scenes puts a lump in my throat all the time.

The last movie i cried in was a surprise to me:the ending of TDKR...i swear i thought he died...
One that comes to my mind is Land Before Time when Littlefoot's mother dies. Most recent one was the ending of Warrior.
The Mist didn't make me feel sad or like crying but really bothered me a lot. It really disturbed me.
It was a pretty disturbing ending but I loved it!! Took balls to direct that.

Terms Of Endearment will get you EVERY time tho

When sam died in I am Legend,that was pretty heart wrenching too