Hey ya'll,
I'm pretty new to the board (FIRST POST!) and also new to the Premium Format collecting hobby...so new it kinda hurts...so...so many missed chances to get some really cool PF figures...
Anywhoo, it was my dear dear Buffy (my very 1st PF) that got me into this crazy, wonderful collecting scene...and I've got thoughts for future Buffy/Angel PFs (and the highest of hopes for Firefly/Serenity PFs too!!!!):
1) Would it be totally unheard of (or not feasible) to do 2 figures on one base? I understand that the market for Whedonverse PFs MUST be different than Star Wars but I feel it is just as viable...as long as you clossely match the product to the rabid fans desperate for it (like me). If Sideshow was able to commit to us fans and say, "we'll be bringing you the Scooby Gang, in pairs, over the next couple-three years" Buffy fans would come out of the woodwork.
In this case, I'd be willing to pay quite a bit more per statue to have a Tara+Willow statue. A Xander+Anya statue. Nothing fancy like a scene...just the the members of the Gang looking LIKE the Gang. Sure, some characters probably deserve the solo treatment (Willow, Giles, Angel, Spike) but I'd gratefully take a Willow+Giles if that meant seeing the whole Scooby Gang together again and on my shelf. THAT speaks to the Buffy fans out there.
Buffy characters may not have the incredible visual cues of, say, Darth Vader or General Grievous...but that's not why we love the 'verse (or why we desperately want these characters represented as statues). It's about how these charcters interacted with each other and how those interactions made us feel...think about the world...
...which brings me to my second thought...
2) If dual characters per base was not an option, then a great second thought would be to do the characters solo, but allow their bases to interlock somehow. Again, I guess Sideshow needs to take the plunge and announce that the whole Scooby Gang is on the way but, again, if it was announced that their bases will allow you to display them as a unified group....THAT speaks volumes to the Buffy (hell...all Whedon) fans out there. That is what will draw people to these statues from far and wide...there is nothing on the market like this and it happens to be THE reason we all love the show. The Gang...together...
Now, if interlocking statues for all is too much of a commitment, then maybe the EXCLUSIVE versions have interlocking bases and the regular versions are standalone bases...that way folks in it just for Giles can have a nice standalone representation but us fans wanting the whole Gang can go exclusive and eventually put them together.
3) I'd be totally happy to see a merging of ideas 1 and 2 if that's what it takes to get me the Gang. I'd gladly take 2 characters per base and the option to interlock them!
4) ditto the above for the characters from Angel!
5) super uber duper ditto the above for Serenity...all i can say is if you make these, the Browncoats will come (...in more ways than one).
I lurk on many boards (and post on the ones I really like) and something like this would be just the kind of incredible collectible Buffy/Angel/Serenity fans would sell blood to get. But it's a commitment...
Anybody else think this (these) ideas might work for Sideshow?