Ep. III Obi - Definitely!
ROTJ Luke in a dynamic pose....ala the final duel with vader where he is really beating him down!
Bespin and Pilot Luke too...(I never liked Luke, but I am finding myself warming to the character as I get older...I think these would make great PFs)
Hansicle (Han in Carbonite - Pure Polystoen, baby! FX lights would be a nice touch!) - But you could also have him come as an exclusive two-pack with the Han before he is frozen. (that would be sweet! limited to 1980)
Slave Leia
Han or Luke on their Taun-Taun PF....Oh yeah, bring it!
Royal Guard
501st or Shock Trooper
Aayla Secura
Emperor on his 'throne' chair from ROTJ (With Luke's saber sitting on the arm rest, as a little exclusive)
Qui-Gon Jinn (dueling Maul)
Young Obi-Wan Dueling Maul
Tusken Raider staning over Luke rasing his Gaffi-Stick
Wedge with his hemet off, tucked under one are as in the end of ROTJ
Oh, there are so, so many possiblities!!! :chew