Premium Format What Star Wars Character would you like to have in 1/4 scale (PF) ??

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Man, you guys have picked some weird choices?

EU characters, when there's sssoooooooo many classic feature films characters yet to be done?

Saying that, I'd love a Starkiller in his original outfit :lol
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I'd like to see this as well. :D

I'd also like to see Jedi Leia done in a PF. :rock


Damn when did this happen? Awsome to see leia become a Jedi! :yess:
I used to be all for SW PF's, but with prices getting out of control, my list has been narrowed down dramatically and more sticking to the OT main characters id like to see sculpted better and costumes i loved from my childhood.


Luke Bespin
Luke Hoth
Luke Snowspeeder pilot
Han Hoth
Han Bespin
Chewie ANH (Coming thankfully)
ROTJ Emperor (better standing up version)

They are the only ones ill order without question. :)
Some nice choices. Looks like Jango pretty much is on most list a is ROTS Obi Wan. So get these done Sideshow
Probably a predictable response coming from me, but I'd like to see Sideshow do a whole Jabba's throne room setup, including Jabba himself, Bib Fortuna, and whoever else from the palace might be viable (Oola seems like a natural).

And of course it goes without saying that we need a new Han Solo -- preferably in his smuggler's outfit, but from ESB so that it's technically not a redo of their previous piece. Hoth Han would also be good, but preferably on a Tauntaun.
Assuming Chewbacca is in the works...

Mara Jade
Bespin Han
Arena Padme
Obi Wan Ep II
Qui Gon
Mace Windu
Royal Guard/Senate Guard (armor underneath cloak)
Gammorean Guard
Tie Fighter Pilot
Luke Rebel Pilot

I'd also like to see Sideshow start a line of 1:4 busts so there could be a bunch of aliens (Greedo, Opress, Kaminoans, Xizor, etc. etc,) armor, and iconic secondary characters/looks (Queen Amidala, Hoth wear, etc.) added to the collection

Galen would be also cool if there was a dark side variant

My PF want list includes:

Ep. III Obi-Wan
Mace Windu
Hoth Han
Hoth Leia
Mara Jade
Republic Commandos

I want Han Solo on his Tauntaun, and don't say it can't be done. I think with SS releasing the Ringwraith on Steed has opened up a door for some amazing pieces across multiple licenses.

All of these would be great and I would buy most of them, however.....
My one and only PF I would like to see done more than anything would be Thrawn. I really want a Luke in X-Wing gear too.
I can't believe no one wants a Jar Jar:rotfl:rotfl Just kidding. Others high on my list would have to be EP 3 Obi, Plo Koon, Saesee Tiin and Kit Fisto. Also the Emperor's Royal Guard.
I'd very much like to have a standalone Yoda PF in a "classic" stance, just standing leaning on his cane. And I'd also like to see, dare I say it, a Battledroid.
I can't believe no one wants a Jar Jar:rotfl:rotfl Just kidding.

I would actually love a Jar Jar, but it would have to come with a Watto and Sebula. That way we can finish off TPM since we already have an Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Amidala.....
i really want a 1/4 yoda in his traditional cane pose...

not as part of a pf set, but just him alone...

because yoda owns all...
Sideshow claimed that they can't make Yoda by himself because of the way their license works. Something about it being too small or something, so they have to do him with another figure (Luke or a clone trooper). Kind of silly, if you ask me.