Freaked Out
Voted T-RIP
Blair? Really guys? Worst character in the film.
I voted Reese. Easy, and for obvious reasons.
John Connor Ver.2 first.
thats just your opinion some people like blair
Of course it is my friend. Everything in this life is relative and opinionated. But this is one view I would like to express. I deeply enjoyed Terminator Salvation. However PG-13 rating aside, Blair hurt the film the most, for me. I found myself cringing at nearly all of her dialogue, and the fact that she served as little more than a pretty face with a smart mouth didn't help matters. As hard as she and McG tried, she bared no resemblance to Sarah Connor or even Ellen Ripley, as I'm sure was their intention. The way I see it, she could have just as easily been written out of the story to better tighten up the edges and make more time for the interesting and critical leads.
Again, this is just me. She'd make a beautiful figure, no doubt. But I prefer to invest my money, space, and piece of mind into figures of characters that are worthy of such. Thank you, sir.
Marcus and the T-RIP are two different things...
AHNULD is the T-RIP in T:S...
Marcus is also a Resistance infiltrator just like arnold. Marcus is a prototype of the first ever t-800. So they are actually the same thing.
I thought that AHNULD in T:S was the first t-800, hence the prototype name.
Going by what the novels say, Marcus is an Infiltrator, not a terminator...as far as I remember...
Arnold is the first T-800 model 101. Marcus may not be the first 800, but he is still the first "terminator" because he was created in 2003, before judgment day. Whats the difference between infiltrators and terminators? Because Im pretty sure all the robots in the terminator movies are terminators.
According to the books, Infiltrator Models are humans that have machine parts grafted to them, anything from a simple chip implant to a whole overhaul like Marcus...
If only the DVD would come out already so we can find our magic answer...