Whats so special about Captain Rex?

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A good point...but, i've always been a Villian guy. OT aside, I always rooted for the villians, mainly because the heros (Obi Wan aside) were all boring. IMO.
true...i had so much hope before episode I came out that Darth Maul would be the major villain in the prequels. i know there is the rule of two...but i was so hoping that Maul was gonna lead us through the trilogy kicking the Jedi rears the way Vader did with the rebels.
~~Mace and Ki Adi Mundi are my two favorite background Jedi and i loved reading their EU character development a lot.
Nah not for a cartoon.

I have to agree. Even though I will see it. It is just to support Star Wars as a whole. I have a bad feeling about the success of this cartoon (not even a true cartoon, just computer animation, and I actually prefer cartoon)-on-the-big-screen version.
I'm just looking forward to being able to take my kids to see a new SW film in the theater.
Anyway, yeah, if Mummies cant do it, Star Wars cant. People want more Batman. Why? Because. He's the ******* batman.
Well I don't know what's so special about him but as there was only one left when I did my semi-regular early morning check at my friendly cross-border Wal-Mart I picked one up to open (I bought one earlier with the "1st Day" sticker on it) and I have to say that it's a pretty neat fig. I also grabbed two of the clone troopers to pose with him.
Did anyone notice at SDCC Sideshow had Captain Rex on one of the sides of their booth banners? The rest (Iron Man, Lurtz, etc) were all products. Was that a hint of an upcoming Captain Rex figure?
Did anyone notice at SDCC Sideshow had Captain Rex on one of the sides of their booth banners? The rest (Iron Man, Lurtz, etc) were all products. Was that a hint of an upcoming Captain Rex figure?

I'd say that a Cap Rex with the new armour body is a sure thing (especially with the marketing of the new Clone Wars movie focused so much on him (a la Maul and Jango previously)-- I just hope we see him before that Anakin padawan...:monkey4
I just hope we see him before that Anakin padawan...:monkey4

I'd almost like to see her made just to give me an easy pass decision :lol I pretty much love any figure based on the films, but CW/EU stuff, much more selective.

If it weren't a companion piece to Obi-Wan, I'd probably pass on Rex, may still if they make one and he doesn't come with an Obi-Wan hologram to match Obi, the appeal for a Rex for me is to have a display option where you get to see two points in a battle with them communicating to one another, if Rex doesn't have a holo to allow that, his worth to me drops considerably.
Ugh. So what you are telling me is that in the EU Boba Fett cannot die of old age? So essentially since he was a Clone of Jango Fett, then all of the Clones cannot die of old age? Is that correct?

Remember, save for Boba who was left to age naturally, all of the clones aged twice as fast. You can read more about the details in the Republic Commando novels. Gives you a great deal of insight into the clones in general. But as for Boba, it looked like he aged pretty naturally if you compare the AOTC Boba to the ROTJ Boba, so I dunno about that immortality speil.

Nah not for a cartoon.
Oh, it'll bump Batman. Proof? Millions of fans purchasing millions of merchandise = millions of fans who will go see it... repeatedly! And wait until it hits the international market. Plus, let's not forget the kid-friendly factor. It'll be the next "family" movie to hit theaters too.