No bad games may be subjective
As for characters with no tragic back story, probably only Miller if I recall, unless you count his death in MGS1 and Meryl (To a degree, I guess)
I was going to mention this earlier as an example of what happens when Kojima isn't consulted
Everybody has a tragic back story, but the men arent sexualised and abused as part of their " character ". They also arent portrayed in their back stories as weak and powerless like the women. They are portrayed as young child prodigies with abilities beyond thoes around them. The men also are what they appear to be on the surface, good guys or bad guys. Raiden, Big Boss, Solid Snake, Solidus, Liquid, Drebin, Ocelot, Skull Face never betray " you, the player character ".
'Sexualised and abused' - with the possible exception of the Beauty and the Beast Corps easter eggs, any sexualised characters in the MGS games are portrayed as being in charge of their own sexuality and using it to their advantage. Eva and Paz especially.
'Weak and powerless' - right, because The Boss, Eva, Meryl, Sniper Wolf, Olga, Fortune, the Beauty and the Beast Corps, Mistral, etc are totally submissive, incapable characters who never do anything of note over the course of the games

To break this down, most of these characters are portrayed as the equal to, or superior of, the player character. Sniper Wolf, B&BC, etc all have significantly stronger health bars than the player character and are always at a mechanical advantage in boss fights. Eva is portrayed as being more capable than Naked Snake at everything from marksmanship to bike-driving to piloting aircraft. Meryl is cut down by Sniper Wolf not because she's a woman or weak, but because she's green - an inexperienced rookie. Fortune is literally invulnerable. The Boss may be the single best example of a strong, well-written female character in a game. She blurs the line between protagonist and antagonist, is always portrayed as being at an advantage to her younger, more physical male proteges (Naked Snake and Ocelot), has complex motivations and is even shown commanding the respect and fear of Colonel Volgin. Plus she leads an all-male commando unit. I could go on.
'Raiden, Big Boss, Solid Snake, Solidus, Liquid, Drebin, Ocelot, Skull Face never betray you, the player character' - Er, what? I'm going to assume at this point you've never actually played the MGS games and instead are getting all your information from Tumblr and Tropes Vs Women In Videogames. Raiden was abused, tortured and brainwashed by Solidus. Big Boss betrays both Solid Snake and his own phantom, Venom Snake, over the course of three games. Liquid disguises himself as Master Miller explicitly to trick, manipulate and betray Solid Snake into activating Metal Gear Rex. Ocelot betrays literally everyone in every game. Drebin is working for the Patriot AIs. Skull Face's entire character arc across two games is the betrayal of Big Boss and Militaires Sans Frontieres, and the further betrayal of Venom Snake and Diamond Dogs.
That's without even mentioning the explicit sexualisation of male characters such as Big Boss, Solid Snake, Ocelot, Kaz, etc. You can even date Kaz in Peace Walker.