Oh man, I'm sorry; I didn't see your list! I can get behind your appreciation for MGS4 because it blew my mind the first time I played it. I actually said out loud that all other video game developers should just give up after playing it!

I absolutely believe it deserved all the praise it got, and I was kind of disheartened to see all the vitriol it was getting because I remember EVERYONE loving it (obviously not everyone, but in the same way I'd say everyone loved The Dark Knight). I also remember people going crazy over Raiden's redemption and I was confused because I loved Raiden in MGS2 back then. Now, I, unfortunately, I understand where they were coming from.
I was going to stop, but I'm going to gush about MGS4 more!

I agree with you about the last fight, and thought it was a beautiful moment encapsulating how ugly war is. Even after it's over, these two broken down old men are still fighting. I have watched and replayed that segment at least 35 times. The only thing that always bugs the heck out of me is that Snake's face doesn't give or bleed when Ocelot pounds him. The fight choreography is so well done that it irked me!
I knew that I much preferred MGS4 to MGS2, but I didn't know if I could put it above MGS, MGSPW, and MGSV. MGS had the best story, MGSPW was an amazing cornucopia of MGS goodness, and MGSV was just gaming bliss. I put MGSV second because it really revived my interested in playing games...and I hate it for that

In the lead up to it, I said that I would much rather prefer getting a MGSV blu ray movie than a game, since that was the most appealing aspect of MGS for me. The game was a total 180 of what I wanted it to be, and I'm glad! And I've played games that were purely gameplay focused, but I could only play them for 45 minutes without getting burned out. That's why nothing about Nintendo appealed to me, since I already wasn't a fan of their
friendly aesthetics (I'm sorry, I can't think of a better word for their art-style at the moment). I thought I needed a story to compel me, and while I do like MGSV's story a lot , the gameplay is what's really the big draw. Not that God of War is a super compelling story, but it gave me enough motive to take down the gods, defend my family, and protect Pandora.