What's up with the HT delays?

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It gives me time to save up for the Luke. I have the light cycle and Iron Monger already paid for. Because I'm self employed and sometimes I experience feast or famine situations sometimes in the same week. I can't really do this hobby unless I pay for an item in full when I order it. I might be waiting six months to a year for the item but schedule changes don't end up screwing me over if I have some big items bump into each other on the calendar.
My guess is that they are trying to push most (if not all) Avengers figures as close to the release date of the movie as possible. When they are done with that, they will start pushing The Dark Knight Rises, thus delaying the production and distribution of other figures. then when they are ready to release them they'll have hardly any orders or customers left, as they took their money to a company that produces variety and releases them to their customers.

Fixed :wave
Being Captain Obvious here, in the end of the day, all those delayed figures will eventually release.

Does Hot Toys maybe have too much on their plate that they can't keep up? I believe so. But I rather they take their time, and delay the figures, then give us a mediocre product that has everyone mad.

Then again, I am a very patient person.
Personally, I find these delays to be an embarrassment. Hot Toys is lucky they are simply a toy company. Companies that can't meet their own schedule don't tend to last very long.

Companies that rush out product with flaws or manufacturing defects don't last long, either.

It's a rock and hard place for HT: half their fanbase is crying over the delays and the other half is crying over screen accuracy & quality control.

Which do you prefer: to have to wait or to have to overlook mediocre product? :dunno

Another case of kids having no patience and adults having to nitpick everything to death... :wink1:
it isn't just a delay, it's multiple delays, Jake Sully was originally due in October then delayed and now delayed again.

The Lightcycle was due in August 2011, it'll release in July (maybe) thats 11 months late and 18 month of being a pre-order.

Being impatient after a one-two month delay is unreasonable being impatient after two delays of over 6 months is perfectly reasonable.

Customers often choose HT over sideshow or other companies collectibles and while they are shipping out all the HT customers have is an order number.
I'm impatient for a different reason. I'm waiting for HT to finally announce a license I could give two craps about.
More than the delays, I hate the hypocrisy. You have these guys that talk about "No, I'm protesting with my money, Hot Toys, you'll never get anything from me," and yet, whenever the stuff does come, they talk about "Thanks, HT for the AMAZING figure." Either stick to your guns, and I never see you on anything HT related, or suck it up and shut your mouth. I do think folks set their expectations too high, though. Whether it pisses Sucker Punch fans off or not, if you were in HT's position, would you put your money and resources toward figures from a year old film that was pretty much a commercial and critical flop, or towards figures from what could quite possibly be the movie event of the decade?
...would you put your money and resources toward figures from a year old film that was pretty much a commercial and critical flop, or towards figures from what could quite possibly be the movie event of the decade?

Uh, my brain's not helping me out here, what is this 'movie event of the decade' you speak of?
Yeah, movie event of the decade has to be some David Cronenberg movie I haven't heard about yet. Very interested to hear what Batfan knows that I don't!
I can't really wrap my brain around people being upset about delays. If you're THAT eager to part with your money, just donate it to the Red Cross or something actually useful. Put it towards renovating your house or put it in a savings account.

I am in no way eager to fork over $300 for Bespin Luke, in fact, it'd be easier for me to cancel it than actually receive it, but I'm not interested in losing the NRD. I know I'll enjoy it when I eventually receive the set, but they can push it back for another year for all I care. I won't be charged until it ships, and even if I WAS charged, the money's gone, and I don't have to worry about it. HT is the one hurt by the delays, not me, so I'm not fussed.

The irony is that the ONLY thing that bothers me about the delays is the complaining that inevitably follows.
Delays are not a big deal. These products will get made and be done when they're done and ready. If a product is announced and preorders are taken and then it's cancelled, yeah complain away.
Well some Asian distributors are cutting pre-orders too (AU Mk.2)... refunding customers

HT maybe cutting the supply especially with the many recent releases still cannot sell out (months after release)
I can see why people would be pissed if they're desperately waiting on a particular figure or they've paid in full what I don't understand is why after waiting so long people then cancel their orders because of delays :cuckoo:

I mean surely you still want the product yeah? :dunno
Uh, my brain's not helping me out here, what is this 'movie event of the decade' you speak of?

The Dark Knight Rises. It's the last film in that series, and with the foundation that BB and TDK built, I expect to see huge box office numbers, I really wouldn't be surprised if it surpassed it's predecessor, and I do think that, if it did manage to beat the likes of films such as Avatar, in terms of numbers, it very well could be an event for the decade. Note: I said "quite possibly," I was not implying that my word was fact. I just think that, from a business perspective, it's moronic to think that they'd devote their resources to anything other than what will make them the most money.
Ultimately, no one really wants an Avatar or Metal Gear Solid figures... How 'bout they just never mention any of those things again and they move on to better things. Nothing to see here... LOL.