Dynamic Force 1:1 The Thing Bust
My first custom piece, an illuminated Twi'lek. I based the design on the decorations you can get in-game in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Turned out pretty decent.
View attachment 237849
View attachment 237850
Love it!
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Got Hot Toys Gamora today from BBTS. It was quite expensive, and I had to pay customs despite them writing 'gift' on the package:
$189 + $20 shipping + $50 duty + $9 handling fees * 1.4 currency exchange to $CDN = $375 CDN
I think this will be my last Hot Toys.
View attachment 239165
I picked this up from the Replica Prop Forum. Graflex Replica saber by Korbanth. All metal construction except the black trim. Includes all the parts to replicate ANH, TESB and TFA. So happy!!!!