Re: When is your investment in eduction just TOO much?
in my opinion if you can't completely pay off your student loans in 5 years, it wasn't worth it. going into your 30s broke as hell and heavily in debt seems like the worst thing I can imagine.
I don't claim to have the best paying job in the world, I work for the government, but I'm happy, I don't overwork, and am not in debt except for my modest house. To me, that is security and security means a lot to me. Trust me when I say this, at 18 I had $0.00 to my name. So I got a $12/ hr job and worked my ass off for 5 years. I worked 30-40 hours a week, went full time to school and managed to come out of college not only debt free but with $20,000 to use as a down payment on a home. I never even contemplated getting a loan in college and I never had mommy and daddy pay either.
To be BEHIND by $100,000 before you even think about buying a home is unfathomable and your father should smack you in the head if you go that far into debt.
also for what its worth, i've heard that for media arts education isn't important, its your portfolio of experience. The best way to do that is to get into the working world and do something, not continue your education because whatever you learn now in that field will be obsolete in a matter of years. This is what I've been told from friends in that field anyway. And maybe if you secure a position in that field the company you work for will pay for some further education.
My point is just get a freaking job in the field and go from there. If they want you to get more schooling, do it while working in the field.
Oh yeah, one of my friends from college is a web designer and sure he majored in that field, but even before he earned his BA he was already designing sites for small businesses for a fee. Those businesses didn't ask him about his

they asked to see his
previous commissions.