1:6 Merry & Pippin (99.9999999999% chance of never getting)
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1:6 Merry & Pippin (99.9999999999% chance of never getting)
now I only focus on getting things that TRULY resonate with me. Things that are a MUST HAVE
I'll probably never stop collecting in general.... Particular interest always change as far as what medium you're collecting, but I will always collect SOMETHING for the rest of my life. My father is 54 and he has always collected baseball cards since he was a kid. Now he collects baseball figures, then started collected fine art paintings. And now, best of all, he started ordering PF's from sideshow!!!
So me, I will do the same. I used to collect almost everything from star wars, but now I only focus on getting things that TRULY resonate with me. Things that are a MUST HAVE, and not something motivated by monetary gain (like lots of flippers do).
I'm not sure on whose signature it was or if I got the words correct:
"Collecting is like a mutated strain of herpes, it might change but it'll never go away."
It just came over me (That's what she said!) earlier the question of when will I stop collecting?
When there isn't any space left or when I finally get my fill?
Anybody else pondered this question before or perhaps right now? Anyone out there already quit this hobby or plans to in the near forseeable future?
I don't know. Good question. I don't think i can stop. If I run out of space, then I'll sell some stuff to make more room to buy more stuff.
Star Wars isn't doing much for me, I've been burned out by all of it. Just too much product. Between all the films, licenses and distributors for 30+ years is overwhelming. Kenner, Hasbro and Sideshow have done a good job, but I'm just not interested anymore.