This thread is becoming retarded. You gotta state the item.
This thread is becoming retarded. You gotta state the item.
Every piece I entered waitlist prior to shipping had converted when it ships EXCEPT for CYCLOPS, which I am panicking right now. My X-men set up is in trouble.
Hot Toys Iron Man Mark VII
Member: nash
Waitlist: Jan 3, 2013.
Converted June 31,2011
Hot Toys Iron Man Mark VII
Member: nash
Waitlist: Jan 3, 2013.
Converted June 31,2011
I converted my waitlist myself.
Your waitlist of being stupid has surely been converted .... good for you ....
What are you, 8?
now you're insulting people.
Im going to tell sideshow not to convert any of your waitlists.
So you can insult others but you cannot be insulted .... Hm I love the logic ....
Hey why dont you gather more entourage to back you up .... you need more friends to get involved
What are you, 8?
What is your question? What are you? You want to know what substance I am? I cannot be 8, eight, generally interpreted is an entity that might or might not be physical. (Depends on your standpoint of substances.) I can be eight years old but I really cannot see how I can be "8".
I didn't insult anyone. I submitted my waitlist conversion but you made fun of me for it.
The only friend i have is you.
why are you so smart!!??