Thanks for the link. Wow, that thread pre-dates my fandom for all things Joss Whedon. I hate to think there was such a time.
I became a fan in a large part due to Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith. I saw that film last summer between 10-15 times... and EACH time I saw it, the Serentiy trailer played on it.
Something about the trailer just hooked me. I then make it a point to watch the DVD set before the movie opened. And I'm so glad that I did.
The rest is history. Better late than never, I guess.
I work for as a projectionist at a theater and even though I can see ANY movie for free, every time I saw Serentiy I PAID TO SEE IT... just to show my solidarity to the sequel cause.
I didn't pay for all the times I saw ROTS.
I SO wanted that opening weekend to rock Universal's world. The box office report was heartbreaking.
Be that as it may, I just bought $10 tickets for a charity screening of Serenity on Joss Whedon's birthday. I'm still paying to see it... and I already own it on DVD. Two versions... the US version and the Aussie 2 disc tin case version. I got it bad.
So for the record, I would buy ANYTHING Sideshow made, no matter how minute, from the verse of Serenity.