Where are the LOTR fans? Of the many arguments being bandied about so far here I think an overabundance of choice and product from various companies is creating a consumer that is much more selective with what they choose to add to their collections.
I do NOT think it has anything to do with a lack of quality or any of the "political" reasons being offered here...people ultimately buy something for their collection because they like it...it's appearance, it's size, the materials it's made from, how it fits into the rest of their collection and of course what the piece is portraying.
One component that I do believe is affecting the popularity of the 1:6 line here is the pace of the releases. Oh, I totally understand and respect the fact that Sideshow is widening their focus with the variety of licenses and products they are offering the collector...and that may take focus away from the 1:6 line as other lines gain popularity and appeal. And of course, look at what has been released thus far from the LOTR line in 1:6 format, one can see the intense R&D that has been involved to find the right materials to produce the detailed outfits and accessories these figures demand.
And the four we've received so far have been exceptional...
As for drawing more attention to the 1:6 line (or all of the LOTR offerings from Sideshow)...I think WetaWork is onto something with the idea of cross promotion with the Lord of the Rings Online MMO video game. A good start and definitely a good idea...but I would go further.
Approach New Line about putting inserts/coupons in the eventual Blue-ray/HD releases of the films on DVD....find a book club that offers the classic books and do an insert there. I'm sure there are other ideas of cross-promotion that would work well.
One obvious one is right within the company...while the website and newsletter are very good at getting the news out, doing more cross-promotion between the lines would be good. For example, someone orders a SW figure, include a write-up on the LOTR line on a flyer with the figure when it ships. Not a whole catalog, just a flyer that is focused on the one line/product. An example:
"You've added the nobility of the Jedi to your collection...now consider the Fellowship..." Sounds corny maybe, but it made you smile and got your attention, right?
These are just a few ideas that might help bring awareness about this line beyond the faithful. Of course, Sideshow will continue going to Cons and presenting lavish displays of what's coming up and the best advertising of all is the classic word-of-mouth on how great these figures are...
The Hobbits are coming....hopefully that will be the spark the 1:6 line needs to really take off...