Where did you get your name from?

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There was already a Mithrandir on these boards...........didn't wanna go with a change in Gandalf's name so I just added an "e" before the "r" at the end. How original huh? I had went with Balrogslain prior to the site switching servers. I didn't care about post counts switching over so I did a rename.

Plus, conger is my surname and I just so happen to be king of these lands, so you can just put two and two together and get two-two or maybe four, depending on where you are from.:rotfl :D :lol
My name originated from my days drawing comic books.... I always had a dark side and was known for my demented art... So when I was stationed in Japan and had to set up a Hotmail account so that I could talk to my buddies back in the states...

Dark Artist just popped in my head. And I added the 81 for my birthyear.... voila!! A legend is born.

When I came to the boards here... it was only natural that I carry that name as well.... And to think that it was waaay before I EVER thought of painting figures as a hobby and source of revenue...:lol
Seaward works for me on a couple of levels. I love LOTR and idea of sailing towards the Grey Havens, seawardly, seemed fitting.

I also love the TV show Arrested Development, and in the second season, Gob buys a boat with the name Seaward painted on the back. They use this to great effect, talking about how he can't keep the Seaward, and it seems to suggest that they are really talking about the script troubles with the Fox censors, "Seaward" = "C-word", or a slang term for the female anatomy. Juvenile, I know, but it still makes me laugh.

Seems kinda hard to reconcile the two sources above, but there you go!
Mithrandier said:
Plus, conger is my surname and I just so happen to be king of these lands, so you can just put two and two together and get two-two or maybe four, depending on where you are from.:rotfl :D :lol

....hmmm...you will all BOW to me....when the world is mine, your death shall be quick and painless......

P.S. Sorry about double posts. My computer at work is all jacked and I can never tell if it actually goes through or not.
Well, if you say it really fast a couple of times or had a bit to much to drink and sluring, it may sound a bit like Joss Whedon. And I'm from Sweden , so... :)
Well, when I was a little kid my younger sisters and I put our heads together and made up our own Star Wars characters to work within the timeline of the movies. Since then, which is now like 10 years ago, it's become an elaborate story which coincides with all 6 films and some of the EU (only the parts that make sense LOL). Needless to say, Captain Tag Aldeggon is my hero, and I always ALWAYS have him wearing his official Rebel Captain's uniform. THAT is but one reason I want Captain Antilles SO MUCH--I need the outfit to make a Captain Aldeggon figure!!!

So there you go kids!

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