Which ENDOR REBEL will you take?

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My ENDOR REBEL purchase will be...

  • Nik Sant (white beard)

    Votes: 10 8.8%
  • Hoodie Guy

    Votes: 6 5.3%
  • Trench Coat Guy

    Votes: 5 4.4%
  • ALL THREE - I love Endor!

    Votes: 33 29.2%
  • PASS

    Votes: 59 52.2%

  • Total voters


Torturer of OCD
CF Supporter
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
City of Angels
Yep, another poll. I love polls.

So, on gut instinct, who would you buy -- one, all three, or none?

Obviously, we need better pics -- just want to get a sense of what people's plans are for this, the first "Army-Builder" set.
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I need to wait to hopefully see better pics of these. Most likely all 3 though I'm not convinced yet.
I voted all three. I think they wil look great together and especially when we get some Biker Scouts and other people for them to be displayed with.

Anyone want to share why we know the old guy with the white beard's name? I've never seen him (or obviously the other guys, well I did see Brant at SDCC...) in the film before.
Buttmunch said:
Anyone want to share why we know the old guy with the white beard's name? I've never seen him (or obviously the other guys, well I did see Brant at SDCC...) in the film before.

Someone on RS called him Nick Sant... so I Googled it and sure enough there is reference to the white beard guy as Nik Sant.

Once again, Lucas has cleverly disguised the name "Saint Nick".
IrishJedi said:
Easiest pass possible, and that saddens me this early into the line.

Do you plan on getting any Scout Troopers when they are announced? Just curious if your feelings would change if the Scout's had been announced first.
I'll definitely get at least 1 Scout Trooper... if SSC ever gets around to making them.

Here's the thing, though... these are not like 3.75" action figures, they are 1/6th scale. So unless you have a house the size of Bill Gates I think it's crazy to plan for lots of different dioramas and army-building. Also, at now $60 a piece you might need Gates' income to be a completist.

I'm sticking with core characters, Jedi, Sith, Imperial troops and characters I like, period. Endor Rebel Troopers are the type of figures SSC should be making when the line is nearing exhaustion, not when it's in its infancy. I hope they learn their lesson. They definitely lost sales with me had they chosen to announce/release better characters at this point. Hell, I would have even gone for 3 ANH-style Rebel Fleet Troopers, but not these.
I voted none, these just don't really grab me. I may later pick up one if they are cheap on the secondary market, but these just aren't that interesting. But at the same time, even though these aren't my cup of tea, I think its actually really cool that Sideshow is going to be offering such a variety of SW characters... the more the merrier!!!

Now a Scout Trooper, I'd buy in a heartbeat, but I don't need the Endor Rebels to make that happen.
Unless SSC is truly off their rocker each of these 3 figures should have an ES of under 1000. Definitely no more than that.

But, honestly, they could announce an ES of 250 each and I still could care less about these figures.
IrishJedi said:
Unless SSC is truly off their rocker each of these 3 figures should have an ES of under 1000. Definitely no more than that.

But, honestly, they could announce an ES of 250 each and I still could care less about these figures.

No way in hell will it be that low. That's less than any of the exclusives thus far. I have no idea if these will even have exclusives but if they do, I'm guessing 1000 exclusives and around 2000 regulars.
What they SHOULD have done was offer us 3 Rebel Soldiers: Tantive IV from ANH, Hoth Rebel Soldier and an Endor Rebel Commando. That would have made more sense and I would buy all 3 of those.
I voted pass but I think this set will be very limited... and in time could be a true collectors item if it is indeed limited...

My only question is are SSC using employee headsculpts? If so I think it's going over the line IMO.
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decadentdave said:
What they SHOULD have done was offer us 3 Rebel Soldiers: Tantive IV from ANH, Hoth Rebel Soldier and an Endor Rebel Commando. That would have made more sense and I would buy all 3 of those.
Hear hear!!!

Instead, they will pay the price for their lack of vision. :emperor
decadentdave said:
What they SHOULD have done was offer us 3 Rebel Soldiers: Tantive IV from ANH, Hoth Rebel Soldier and an Endor Rebel Commando. That would have made more sense and I would buy all 3 of those.

I love that idea -- all three OT Rebels!
Any idea what the exclusives would be? Or maybe there won't be any for these guys?

I have to say though... if I were to buy one (which not really planning to at this time) I think the hooded guy would be the one. He seems most reminisent of the original Kenner figure.

I'm not voting.
The collector in me says: yes! buy! make your collection complete!
The homo sapiens in me says: don't let Sideshow fool you! they just want your money! You don't need three Endor Rebel Troopers! One is more than enough!