Prime Clone
Super Freak
Allow me to kick this off with a vote for Dark Empire Luke - though I'd like to see them all eventually!
That would be cool!hairlesswookiee said:what about the new series??? i want the Grand Jedi Master version with gray hair included.
gambit said:I will not buy any more Luke from Sideshow
I start to hate from Luke and Leia after repeating releases :emperor
hairlesswookiee said:i agree with you, but i have resisted buying any of them so far. im holding out for a ROTJ luke in PF form.
The Mike said:I always liked Splinter of the Minds Eye but I'd have to vote for the Dark Empire Luke. Nice throwback to Vader. I haven't been into EU stuff really do I don't know anything about "Grand Jedi Master" Luke that a new title given on to him? I find it hard to believe that Luke gained that much Force knowledge and experience in what 50 years? Than Yoda in 900? Either way...
BrooklynWolf X said:i don't find it hard to believe at all. he IS the son of the chosen one.
The Mike said:Son of the Chosen one, not the chosen one. He is half "ordinary human". According to Lucas, Luke's role in the saga is to aid in the redemption of Anakin Skywalker. Even though he is sired by the Chosen One of the Force, I still find it hard that he surpasses all the great Jedi Masters of old. Then again, LFL agrees to all the EU books so if he has achieved this "Grand Jedi Master" status then GL must be okay with it. Has anyone conceptualized this version of Luke?
Outlander said:Maybe just the fact that he's the founder of a whole new order of Jedi entitles him to the "grand master" title.
BrooklynWolf X said:i don't see how luke being half human will affect him becoming uberpowerful. yes, his role is to bring anakin back to the good side, but still, he has the same blood and midichlorians running through his veins. here's another way of looking at it. your son will be taller and stronger than you. his son will be taller and stronger than him. it's just the way it goes. granted, luke isn't as tall as his dad, but strength?
BrooklynWolf X said:put it this way, he had limited amount of training from both obi wan and yoda. yet he was able to hold his own against vader, and eventually defeat him. he even took an insane amount of sidious' lightning and still managed to get up. basically, my point is, luke, being the son of the chosen one enables him to easily tap into the force. which is why he eventually becomes god like, with powers and abilities that overshadow those of the old republic.
BrooklynWolf X said:even if that won't convince you, lucas did say something along the lines of luke becoming more powerful than his father. i think it was in one of the commentaries in one of the movies. RoTJ i think?