A figure/line you know would turn a bi-curious collector take notice and start their own HT collection.
Lots of great answers here fellas.
It's hard for me to pick to be honest, despite the fact that I started this thread. But if I really had to pick, it'd have to be jack sparrow as well. While complexity shouldn't determine whether a figure is the best, it's complexity DOES push it to the top for me. Although the dx12 is my personal fav, the dx06 pushes the medium to a whole other level. Sculpting, pers, accessories, overall design.
I'm still amazed that with so many layers, he doesn't look bulky.
If you want amazing detail and engineering, you'd also have to consider the t-800 endoskeleton. Movable pistons in the shoulders, neck, legs, arms, waist, etc...-Even the fingers and toes move! Probably the most detailed and articulated robotic figure ever made.
Not even close, 3A are the kings of robot figures, the Real Steel Ambush looks to be far more technically impressives with it's articulation and moving parts.
How can make that assertion if the figure isn't even out yet?