Hi folks!
Nobody is blaming Sideshow of doing a bad work, but there are some mistakes that, like clients, we make them to know, so there are no more problems in the future.
As Gangrel has said, the sculpting and modelling are great, as the variety of lines and figures, but from a time to now we are having some painting problems that spoils a well done job, and that doesnt come straight from Sideshow, but the chinese company that works from them, and some problems with the quality revision of the painting work.
I am the owner of that cross-eyed Arwen that Gangrel has posted here. After years of waiting a nice Arwen representation and finding it on this maquette, you all can imagine how I have felt after opening the box and discover what is happening with my arwen's eyes.
As you all can see at the pictures, it is not a slightly fault. The left eye is looking to the front, as the right one is totally looking at the right. Obviously this is a mistake of the painting company (I still cannot understand how the painter sees what he is doing and doesnt mind it...), but that company works for Sideshow and they are supposed to have a quality revision test on the figures, as Sideshow labels on each box, and that ruins a well done job, because we are not talking about cheap plastic figures, but collectors editions for serious people which spends 200$ by minimum on these marvellous figures. Something fails on this process...
I bought my Arwen Maquette from an official distributor at my country, so I cannot make a reclamation straight to Sideshow, but I hope to receive a replacement for it, and there wont be any more problems.
I hope, as collector of the LOTR full line of premium formats and maquettes, that Sideshow keeps offering us the best of the best, as they always do, with the quality that, as a top company, has always offered to their clients.