Someone who apparently works for SS posted this on another forum regarding the lack of LOTR and Hobbit stuff:
Originally Posted by Igo View Post
And LOTR is a difficult one man, we had a huge commitment to the original polystone line we resurrected a few years ago (most of which I designed and was very proud of being a part of) and we designed a lot more but unfortunately it's a unique license with Weta's involvement but thankfully they stay int he 1:6 line (like our polystone, not so much our PF) and they've been taking it on and expanding it with the Hobbit, hoping to see more from them too.
But yah, we have a lot designed for LOTR, whether or not a lot of it becomes actual product is still a bit up in the air. Again, it's tricky and unique, it isnt dead and we arnt as gung-ho with it as we used to want or were allowed to be.