Hi. This is my first post here.
I would like to finish the fellowship, and after I would like to see Eomer, Faramir, Dark Galadriel, Elven warrior (2nd age), Numenor and Gondor warrior.
This is the last question I've sent sometimes to sidehow last months, but I had not answer.
"Hi. The first thing…thanks for your work, because I really enjoy it. I’m a LOTR collector and I’ve some questions, but I’m going to do just the main one:
On February 2010, you show us a video with the new LOTR statue line and some designs (Strider, Gandalf, Legolas, Arwen, Gimli and Boromir). Last two years we had the releases of this statues and a new Nazgul, too. On this section, you have talk about Merry+Pippin, Sam+Frodo, Eomer, Faramir, Mouth of Sauron, Elrond, Elves of the Second Age, Twilight Wraiths, Orcs, Uruks,… but we haven’t seen a new design (I’m not talking about statues) from 2009’ComiCon (except for the Nazgul). We haven’t had anything new for this line in ComiCon ‘2010 or 12 days of Sideshow (and I think it was a good moment with the trailer of the Hobbit and 10th anniversary of the first film)… Is the line really active (I’ve seen only 1 new design (Nazgul statue) in 20 months)? When are we going to have news (in this point I talk about BIG news and not only a Production Peek mini video) about your plans?
I’m sorry for the long message and I give thanks for your time. Another day we will talk about the PF…xddd"
I'm collector from 10 years ago, and I love the new statue line, but don't hear anything about new statues from a long time ago.