Super Freak
I can see your point there, but I've still watched it with people for the first time (who literally knew nothing about the story) and even w/o a 3 year wait the revelation is surprising... maybe not as much if you waited 3 years, but still impactful.
I know it doesn't mean anything, but I would have loved it if ROTS could have ended in a way that made it seem more like Anakin had died rather than see it very clearly that he became Vader. For one that Vader awakening sequence was so-so at best, and pretty terrible if you really wanted to be criticalI think if it had been done well then you could conceivably watch the films in order (1-6) w/o obviously knowing Anakin was Vader for ANH and most of ESB. So kind of like not only is Vader Lukes Father, but oh man... Anakin didn't actually die.
Didn't really even need to see the birth and separation of the twins. So that would of course need to be altered as well. Just something I've thought about a few times that might have made the PT and OT fit together a bit better.
I agree. They should've just cut it with Obi picking up the saber and walking away with Anakin cursing, burning up and going limp. Then end the movie there. We wouldn't get to see the twins born, Yoda talk to Obi about Qui Gon, nor the nifty return of Obi to Tattoine, but we also wouldn't have the horrid "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" that's become more of a tongue-in-cheek to SW fans than the dramatic scene it was supposed to be. Hell, they could cut straight to Yoda telling Obi about Qui Gon, and going into hiding (lose the part about the twins), and end with Yoda landing on Degobah. With Anakin's "death" and Yoda's isolation would give the film a dark, ESB note too.