Which order should new fans experience Star Wars?

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I have no problem with people that enjoy the PT. But when they say they stand up to the OT, they're wrong end of story.

And no it's not cause i'm nostalgic :slap

Enjoy them fine, go ahead. It's your dealio. There's a fine line with being a fan of all 6 films and being an apologist. Dave is one of them, Nam, is one of them.

I saw TPM 9 times in the theater. (i was a pot-head at the time so it helped) I lied to myself for a few years after, trying to justify they were good but misunderstood films. I came to my senses. I can't watch them anymore. I can still watch the OT. Why is that? The PT MAKES ME SICK, i have seen the OT more and i can still watch it over and over. I think that's called having a taste for genuine quality. (simple as that kiddies) The 70's and 80's were some magical times for movies. And GL had some people around him that knew what they were doing.

So i pick and choose what i like from the PT. Hey it had some EPIC moments like all SW films. And i choose to like those, cause they're genuinely good. But the bad far outweighs the good, and that's where the apologists need to just stop!!. And don't give me the purists crap. The argument is moot! At least the purists have good films to back them with if you wanna go down that road[/B]. [/B][/B](NOTHING WRONG WITH ENJOYING THE PT THOUGH)

Hey kids, like what you like. Like the PT AND OT fine!!!! Like just the OT FINE! Like just the PT fine. But there's 3 films that were far better than the last no matter how you wanna slice it.


So your saying people who enjoy watching the PT don't have good movies to back up???? Just because you and others think the PT stinks doesn't make these films bad. Yes I enjoy the PT as much as the OT and I happen to think there very good films. You have to understand the PT came out at a very different time (1999) unlike Episode 4. Do you think if Episode 1 came out in 1977 it would be as huge as episode 4 was back than??? Don't forget the crazy expectations these movies had to fill as well. I just think as a whole the PT fits in nicely with the OT and it even makes it better. Yes there are issues with the PT (Jar,Jar) etc but there are issues with the OT as well. It just seems the issues in the PT seem to stand out more in the PT because when the movies were released we as a society are more picky then how it was in 1977-1984. There was no internet etc. But most important when episode 4 was released in 1977 there was no 30 year old plus crowd waiting to bash it because some Original trilogy they grew loving was so much better. We were just a bunch a kids that became obessed with Vader's breathing. Leia's hair rolls and some hairy screaming monster. :lol Anyway most people who I show star wars to which includes my wife, her sister, my kids who never seen Star Wars all think episode 3 is the best SW movie out of the six. So not everyone thinks they stink. Personally my favorite is 5 followed by 3 and I thnk Episode 1 is my least favorite but I mostly look at the whole trilogy as one amazing peice that has been with me for over 30 years.
If you like the PT, you are wrong. You cannot argue your point as this is fact. You are wrong as a human being.
'Bout time! :lol

BTW...all this bickering is pointless. Neither side is gonna change what the other is thinking.

Well, I wanted to make sure it was special when it arrived. :lol

It is. I watch and like movies for myself and thats it. If others do thats great and if not thats fine too.
So your saying people who enjoy watching the PT don't have good movies to back up???? Just because you and others think the PT stinks doesn't make these films bad. Yes I enjoy the PT as much as the OT and I happen to think there very good films. You have to understand the PT came out at a very different time (1999) unlike Episode 4. Do you think if Episode 1 came out in 1977 it would be as huge as episode 4 was back than??? Don't forget the crazy expectations these movies had to fill as well. I just think as a whole the PT fits in nicely with the OT and it even makes it better. Yes there are issues with the PT (Jar,Jar) etc but there are issues with the OT as well. It just seems the issues in the PT seem to stand out more in the PT because when the movies were released we as a society are more picky then how it was in 1977-1984. There was no internet etc. But most important when episode 4 was released in 1977 there was no 30 year old plus crowd waiting to bash it because some Original trilogy they grew loving was so much better. We were just a bunch a kids that became obessed with Vader's breathing. Leia's hair rolls and some hairy screaming monster. :lol Anyway most people who I show star wars to which includes my wife, her sister, my kids who never seen Star Wars all think episode 3 is the best SW movie out of the six. So not everyone thinks they stink. Personally my favorite is 5 followed by 3 and I thnk Episode 1 is my least favorite but I mostly look at the whole trilogy as one amazing peice that has been with me for over 30 years.

That was kind of my thought on the whole issue, If 123 came out first you could argue that there would be a lot of PT purists out there that would say 456 were terrible because they did not live up to certain expectations (unrealistic or not).

I love both trilogies and even the TV series for what they are, good and bad. It does no good to completely turn your back on everything else just because the PT/EU does not look or feel the same as a movie made over 30 years ago. Somewhere in between Jar Jar Binks and Greedo shooting first there is still a lot of really good Star Wars out there. Open your heart and let it in. :)
Amazing that this thread derailed into a PT versus OT debate... anyone want to discuss whether or not HT should get the SW license :lol

I plan to have my daughter watch 4-6, followed by 1-3 in that order. That's how I watched them and in a way feel it is the most accurate way to view them in terms of seeing the story lines play out. I think Vader revealed to be Luke's father is one of the most powerful moments of the entire 6 films and the PT is just not good enough overall to take away that scene.

I would not call myself an OT purist (mostly cause it sounds ridiculous) but do not enjoy the PT anywhere near as much as the originals. And personally find it hard to watch the SE versions of the originals as the added stuff makes it feel more like the PT; Greedo shooting first/at the same time and that awful musical number added to Jabba's palace.

I think IJ put it best in comparing the two that if you could place ATOC and ESB in the same category then something is wrong. Sure ROTJ is not as good as ESB, but its at least in the same ballpark. AOTC is personally painful to watch and to me squanders what should have been a great rise/fall of Anakin installment. But that's just me.
I plan to have my daughter watch 4-6, followed by 1-3 in that order. That's how I watched them and in a way feel it is the most accurate way to view them in terms of seeing the story lines play out. I think Vader revealed to be Luke's father is one of the most powerful moments of the entire 6 films and the PT is just not good enough overall to take away that scene.

Trouble with the "no, I am your father" defence is when the films first played we had to wait three years for TESB, that made the statement a massive event. WE then had to wait three years to find out if it is true.

I honestly don't think that revelation has the same power if you watch TESB right after seeing ANH for the first time.
i love these threads. what's the point? they always turn into the same arguments. maybe we can get a little sideshow vs medicom going in here too.:rolleyes:
what is everyone's opinion on that Jar-Jar charactor?

At least he and the rest of his species didn't take down the almighty Empire like those silly Ewoks. I always say for ever silly thing people bring up about the PT you probably can do the same from the OT. These are not perfect movies by no means but they are tons of fun to watch or at least I have tons of fun watching. I just look past the things that I consider silly. Yeah Jar Jar is annoying but Darth Maul and Qui Gon are awesome episode 1 characters that make it worth it for me to watch and collect from that film.
Trouble with the "no, I am your father" defence is when the films first played we had to wait three years for TESB, that made the statement a massive event. WE then had to wait three years to find out if it is true.

I honestly don't think that revelation has the same power if you watch TESB right after seeing ANH for the first time.

I can see your point there, but I've still watched it with people for the first time (who literally knew nothing about the story) and even w/o a 3 year wait the revelation is surprising... maybe not as much if you waited 3 years, but still impactful.

I know it doesn't mean anything, but I would have loved it if ROTS could have ended in a way that made it seem more like Anakin had died rather than see it very clearly that he became Vader. For one that Vader awakening sequence was so-so at best, and pretty terrible if you really wanted to be critical :lol I think if it had been done well then you could conceivably watch the films in order (1-6) w/o obviously knowing Anakin was Vader for ANH and most of ESB. So kind of like not only is Vader Lukes Father, but oh man... Anakin didn't actually die.

Didn't really even need to see the birth and separation of the twins. So that would of course need to be altered as well. Just something I've thought about a few times that might have made the PT and OT fit together a bit better.