My list (including not video games obviously):
Halo: Halo 1, 2/3 and Infinite games versions of Master Chief, ODST's, Marines, Arbiter and other Spartans (games) maybe Chief, spartans and marines from the new TV show).
Mass Effect: Male and fem Shep from all 3 games, Liara, Samara, Tali, Miranda, Ash, Garrus etc etc plus Cerberus troops and reaper husks.
Crysis: Nanosuit 1.0, Korean Nanosuit, cell Nanosuit, cell troopers, Ceph.
Duke Nukem
Doom: Classic Doomguy from original games, Doom Marine from Doom 3, Doomslayer from 2016 game and Doom Eternal version plus Demons and of course all the guns! Knight Sentinels, Makyrs and the red armored human elite troopers too.
Star Wars: Old Republic era troopers including Havoc Squad, Sith Troopers etc, Force Unleashed troopers from both versions of the game (Jet trooper, Evo trooper, Kashyyk stormtrooper from version 1 of the game, Phase 3 clone troopers, Jet troopers and heavy troopers from version 2 of the game plus of course Imperial Navy troopers), Fel Empire era stormtroopers including Joker Squad, Revenge of the Sith game troopers plus Republic Commandos.
Dead Space: Isaac Clarke in Orginal armour suit, N7 suit, security armour plus necromorphs and misc weapons.
Not games:
Westworld: Dolores, Maeve, Man in Black, Host Drones.
District 9: The main prawns, the mech, MNU merc, Wickus. Lots of weapons too.
Battlestar Galactica: Boomer in pilot suit, Starbuck, Apollo, Cylons etc etc and of course a Viper (one can dream).
The Thing: Macready, the various creatures.
Sucker Punch: the rest of the characters HT neglected to make, maybe remake Amber and Babydoll too.
The Expanse: Martian marine, Julie Mao and Bobbie Draper in Goliath armour
Illang: The Wolf Brigade: armored troops (machine gunners, ballistic shield dudes and flame-thrower dudes).