I’ve been doing my own research on this lately, and while it's true George considers the EU a separate universe to his own, he also makes an effort to keep them consistent, and they do often overlap and borrow from each other. So I believe they can be considered part of the same continuity, it's just that George's "G-canon" may override the EU's "C-canon" at any time, as we saw with Boba's origin.IrishJedi said:It's pretty simple, really: If Lucas created it (or put it in the movies), it's canon. If it comes from some other writer then it exists outside of Lucas' canon universe. It's called Expanded Universe for a reason.
Protozaius said:I voted for Vos as well. And since the voting, there is now a 3 3/4 figure of him by Hasbro... available in one of those comic two-packs.
The Mike said:I voted Mara Jade simply because back then there were no females in the line and I thought she'd pose well with Luke....
jlcmsu said:Right there is that(which I need to buy in fact). I meant more in the 1:6th department.
jlcmsu said:I was just making a comment. That's all.