Darth Caedus
Formerly Congerking
SideshowDusty said:Don't you know that the Comic-Con tradition is to fit a minimum of 10 people in one room? 4 on the beds, 2 with their heads in the closet, 1 in the bathtub, 1 in the space between the beds, 1 under the desk, and 1 on the chair/loveseatSeriously though, want to save money and meet new friends? Pile at least 4 in a hotel room. Not enough time for everyone to shower? Jump in the pool and spray on some perfume/cologne :chew
Damn straight. 5 buddies and I stayed in a 2 person room last year. it was a little akward because one of my buddies rolls in his sleep. good thing I was sleeping on the floor next to him :chew. Will probably be the same this year.