The main shelves aren't that bad, the glass doors were a bit tho and not at all anti-reflective, so I'm not sure I'd do that again, tho it does help to keep a fair bit of the dust out and I guess if you put lights inside, it wouldn't matter.
Other then that, what you see is made up of the following (not counting the time to put it all together and the trailer hire to get it home in the first place)
BESTA shelf units
4 shelves (60x40x192cm) - 801.021.27 - $155
8 shelves (120x40x192cm) - 201.021.30 - $225
TOMBO Clear glass aluminium
60x64cm - 201.035.54 - $75 each
60x40cm - 701.050.27 - $35
The white thing with Tinker Bell on top at the moment, was a Billy bookcase that I already had, otherwise I would have got that in beech as well.
Once all put together, I was a lot happier with how much more solid it was compared to my old unit and I didn't think the price was too bad, for something that overall works.